Tuesday, 14 October 2008

Lebanese Christian strongman's Tehran visit underscores Iran’s grip on Lebanon

DEBKAfile Exclusive Report

October 13, 2008, 4:43 PM (GMT+02:00)

Lebanese Christian strongman Michel Aoun persona grata in Tehran

Lebanese Christian strongman Michel Aoun persona grata in Tehran

It would have been unthinkable for any Middle East Christian leader to pays his respects to the ayatollahs in Tehran before the indecisive Israel-Hizballah war of 2006 and the subsequent collapse of US and Israeli positions. But now, the once pro-West Lebanese Christian strognman, Gen. Michel Aoun, who has become a close ally of the Iranian surrogate Hizballah and Syria, is leading the way.

He drew encouragement from two developments: 

Global markets soar after world governments launch rescue packages

October 14, 2008, 2:39 PM (GMT+02:00)

Japan's Nikkei lifts after Wall Street rockets

Japan's Nikkei lifts after Wall Street rockets

Japan’s Nikkei closed up 14% Monday, its biggest single-day gain, after Wall Street’s 11% rallyMonday and ahead of the US announcement of plans to buy ownership stakes in major banks. Sidney was up 5% (after an A$10.4 bn stimulus package), Hong Kong 4%, New Zealand nearly 7% and South Korea up to 5%. London, Paris, Frankfurt rise for second day after Asia. Bush later announced short-term measures for the Federal Reserve to buy shares in US banks. 

Western leaders plan partial about-face on free market rules to avert world slump

DEBKAfile Special Report & Analysis

October 11, 2008, 8:04 AM (GMT+02:00)

G7 on mission to salvage financial system and markets

G7 on mission to salvage financial system and markets

The G7 finance ministers and heads of the International Monetary Fund and World Bank met in Washington Friday night, Oct. 10. Euro zone countries meet with the IMF in Paris Sunday. They are desperately fighting the climate of fear hanging over the sellers-only markets worldwide. Their plan entails partial government takeovers of crippled banks to restore the flow of credit.

Can this plan work after seven black days, in which the global stampede wiped $4.5 trillion off the value of shares world wide and threatens to dump the world into the worst slump in living memory?

Read DEBKAfile’s Special Analysis below 
Full article

NATO stirred into anti-piracy action by overlap with E. African jihadist terror

DEBKA-Net-Weekly Exclusive

October 9, 2008, 7:23 AM (GMT+02:00)

Pirates board Faina arms ship

Pirates board Faina arms ship

On Oct. 3,DEBKA-Net-Weekly367 reported that the capture of the Ukrainian arms vessel, Faina, had placed Somali piracy at the center of the war on terror. On Oct. 9, sixteen days after the Faina’s capture, NATO defense ministers meeting in Budapest finally agreed to send warships “soon” to Somali waters to safeguard vessels threatened by pirates.

The DEBKA-Net-Weekly exclusive is summarized now.

To subscribe to DEBKA-Net-Weeklyclick HERE 


Rabbis and Sheiks set up joint forum to calm Acre

DEBKAfile Special Report and Analysis

October 13, 2008, 10:49 PM (GMT+02:00)

Acre downtown after Yom Kippur Eve Arab rampage

Acre downtown afterYom Kippur Eve Arab rampage

Jewish and Arab religious leaders of the northern Israeli town of Acre agreed to join hands to calm the outbreaks that roiled the northern Israeli town for four days. Also MondayOct. 13, Tawfiq Jemal, the Arab driver who triggered the Yom Kippur Eve riots was detained on suspicion of reckless driving above the legal speed, endangering lives and offending religious sensibilities. A reinforced police contingent of 700 officers stays in Acre to keep the peace 

Another Iraqi Christian murdered in Mosul

October 13, 2008, 6:27 PM (GMT+02:00)

A businessman gunned down in his shop Sunday was the 12th Christian killed in the northern Iraqi town of Mosul since Sept. 28 in the worst violence targeting this minority in five years. Prime minister Maliki has deployed 1,000 police to patrol the four largely Christian districts of Mosul and set up checkpoints at churches, as some 3,000 have fled the city. 