Wednesday, 15 October 2008

HEADLINES 15.10.08 at noon


==Era of self-regulation is over, European Commission warns

The European Commission has warned the business community that the 
"ideology" of self-regulation is dead and that more rules are 
required at both the European and global level

==London shares fall as bail-out euphoria fades
Shares fell as the euphoria surrounding a £2 trillion global effort 
to bail out banks was replaced by fears over a recession.  [noon -2.73%]

==EU rules on state aid put to test by bail-outs

European Union leaders were under pressure on two fronts as the 
global financial crisis and deepening economic slowdown tested their 
commitment to fight climate change and preserve the bloc's core free-
market philosophy
. Brussels looks like a bystander amid turmoil
==European rescue raises debt fear
Governments have so far announced spending of nearly ?200bn on arms-
length vehicles to inject funds into banks and a further ?1,250bn in 
guarantees of bank funding, with more to come, risking a huge blow to 
public finances - Oct-14
==Berlin recession clouds gather
Germany's economic prospects have darkened and the likelihood of a 
"severe recession" next year has increased, the country's top 
economic institutes believe

==EU leaders have second thoughts on bank rescue and green goals
Europe has breathed a sigh of relief after markets reacted positively to
its coordinated rescue of the banking sector. But the Brussels summit 
of EU
leaders is expected to see criticism
of the strategy, as well as 
over ambitious climate change goals in the uncertain economic times.

==Bank crisis to dominate EU talks

EU leaders are to discuss multi-billion-euro rescue plans for 
Europe's ailing banks at a two-day summit in Brussel