Tuesday, 14 October 2008

More things which may have been overlooked - - -

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx cs
MEPs kill EU 'blogger registry' that never was
Calls for Europe to initiate a process clarifying the legal status of  
bloggers - a discourse many across Europe had erroneously believed  
was in  fact EU legislation that would have seen a European 'registry  
of bloggers'- died on the floor of the European Parliament on  
Thursday- 25/9  (EU Observer 26/9/08)
Food price inflation +12% (fruit and veg +30%)
Tesco profits for 1/2 year +11.3%  (Telegraph   30.9.08)
    [Any connection ? -cs]
Good news corner
Apple crop +10-15% - juicier and sweeter than usual due to wet August  
and sun and cold nights in September.
Cider apple crop best for a long time - harvest now starting and  
every day of sunshine adds to sweetness = alcohol  (Telegraph   30.9.08)
A well known politician met a friend  who is ‘into’ Scheng Fui  
concerned with the significance of the arrangements of objects fir  
one’s general well-being and was told to keep the WC lid down to  
avoid his assets being sucked down the sewers in the prevailing  
economic crisis.   [sorry!  lost the source but I think it was the  
And what's more, [now] there'll be demands to nationalise lots more.  
The new Transport Secretary Geoff Hoon dutifully took the underground  
home from Wembley after the England game on Saturday. Per chance, he  
bumped into the head of the RMT union, Bob Crow. "Now you're  
nationalising the banks", Crow said to him, "how about the railways?"  
How about it, ministers?    (BBC Nick Robinson   13/10.08)
Suddenly one place is full of choice items.  These from The  
Telegraph’s City Diary today! (14.10.08)

Comforting thoughts from the chef
Just to prove how hard things are in the City, Diary hears that  
stressed out bankers have taken to tucking into comfort food at the  
City Canteen (aka 1 Lombard St) .  Chef Herbert Berger has been  
dishing out 30pc more bangers and mash, meat pies and soup than this  
time last year - though I doubt that that is what they are called on  
the menu.

Cometh the hour, cometh the quotes
It had to happen.  Come the crisis, come the Churchill quotes. First  
to reach for the cigar was the ICAP Chief Executive , Michael  
Spencer, who borrowed from  Winston’s  1942 speech, to describe the  
March 17 takeover of Bear Stearns as the “end of the beginning”.   
Since then the phrase has been used dozens of times along with   
“blood, toil, tears, and sweat” and all the rest.   But, given the  
nationalisation of RBS and HBOS and the state of the mortgage market,  
shouldn’t we perhaps be rolling out “Never has so much been owed by  
so many... ”?

Charity fundraiser’s capital teaser
  A snapshot of the goings-on at the charity fund-raiser “Turn the  
Tables” , where politicians and other public figures pay money to ask  
questions of journalists.   Tory MP Alan Duncan dug deep and ended up  
putting it to Radio 4’s Today programme presenter, Evan Davis.
“What is the capital of Iceland” was his first teaser.
“Reykjavik” came back the answer.
“Wrong!” Duncan shot back “£3,50”
    Very droll.