THOUGH THIS VIDEO IS DATED – just substitute the terms: leftists, and Islamofascists for “Soviets” and “communists” – and the description accurately describes what is going on in the United States today – and how the enemies of the American system, Judeo-Christian values, US patriotism and nationalism are methodically working to destroy us. Listen carefully to each point and note that these things are happening NOW and have been going on for some time (since the mid-1970s). And please. . . forward this to others! Here is a “must-see” video [ about 16 minutes long ] to understand what is going on in our country from the perspective of a former Soviet KGB officer – he explains the methodical progression of brainwashing that is undertaken very consciously by those who wish communism to take over any country – in this case the USA. His explanation helped me understand why so many people in our country think “differently” about the issues of life. And, he showed me in this short video how disastrously close we are to becoming a truly communist nation – not just socialism, but communism.
Tuesday, 14 October 2008
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Britannia Radio