A Guest Speaker - of Like Mind
Some of my former UKIP colleagues are working hard to take the fight to the EU. They attend committees, write questions, cast doubts and generally make their presence felt. Sadly there are not many working as hard as Gerard Batten, the UKIP MEP for London.
During the recent debate on combating terrorism, and police and judicial cooperation in criminal matters, Gerard made a splendid two-minute speech which deserves wider circulation. It came just before my own one-minute about the true nature of Muslim terrorism.
I am glad to have the opportunity to add Gerard Batten’s words to my website. He was right in every respect.
He said:
These Council decisions are part of the process of harmonising our national justice and legal systems into a common EU system.
Already any EU citizens can be extradited from one EU country to another by means of a European Arrest Warrant with minimal safeguards. Even when a national legal system or a national Government knows that a gross injustice is being done it cannot prevent it.
Under the new rules on trials in absentia we can now be tried and sentenced in another EU state, even without being aware that has happened, and then face extradition and imprisonment. We can be fined, or have our property confiscated, again without our own national legal systems or Governments being able to prevent it or protect us.
Under the Lisbon Treaty a European Public Prosecutor is planned with wide ranging powers to investigate and prosecute those charged with offences against the Union’s interests, aided by Europol, whose officials have immunity from prosecution for anything that they do or say in the course of their duties.
And of course we also have the European Union’s own paramilitary police force, the European Gendarmerie, being constructed in Vicenza, which will have the power to cross borders to suppress civil unrest in EU member states.
All this is being done in the name of protecting us from terrorism but what is actually happening of course is the never ending mission of the European Union to increase and entrench its own power and dominion in every area of our national lives.
Terrorism is indeed a real threat: the single biggest source of which in the World today is the ideology of fundamentalist, literalist and extremist Islam.
But terrorism should be combated by national governments working in cooperation with each other. Not used an excuse to increase the power of the European Union.
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