Today's Top Stories
Olmert backtracks - allows agents provocateur into GazaAfter initially insisting that the Israeli government would not allow yet another boatload of troublemakers masquerading as peacemakers to breach Israel's blockade of Hamas-controlled Gaza, Prime Minister Ehud Olmert stood down and let the vessel sail in unhindered Wednesday. The ...
Israeli MK confronts Egypt's anti-Israel Mubarak
A right wing Knesset member Wednesday slammed Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak for his refusal to ever officially visit the State of Israel despite the fact that 30 years have passed since the two countries signed the Camp David Accords peace ...
Israelis too, to choose new leader
As the United States presidential election entered its final week, Israelis learned that they would soon be holding new elections themselves. The course was set towards voting for a new prime minister after Kadima chairman and Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi ...
Reuters sees Israeli elections 'killing peace process'
The Reuters news agency - which over the years has become increasingly bald-faced in its biased coverage of the Arab-Israeli conflict - saw the news of early Israeli elections as reported this week as dealing a potential death blow to ...
Israeli news site: Iran tested nuclear bomb
The Israeli news site Israel Insider reported exclusively Thursday that a seismic event that occurred in Iran October 25 may have been a massive underground nuclear bomb test and not an earthquake. Israel Insider cited an Iranian nuclear scientist who ...
Int. football federation gives 'Palestinians' more credence
The Palestinian Arabs' pursuit of national legitimacy took another step forward this week when the non-existent state of "Palestine" fielded its "national" team for their first "home" game in a stadium near Jerusalem. In what was termed a friendly match ...
Commentary - Jerusalem Watchman
The 'Israeli-occupied Arab West Bank'
It was on the “Israeli-occupied Arab West Bank” that Abraham stood when God told him to look to the north, to the south, to the east and to the west, promising that all the land he could see would be given to his descendants, “forever.”
Commentary - Jerusalem Watchman
Israel IS the issue
Will an Obama win lead to Israel’s destruction? The biblical answer is a resounding “no!” Will an Obama win lead to the demise of the United States? For the answer to that one, see Isaiah 60:12...
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