Glenn Beck Highlights Threat Of Martial Law Following Economic Crisis 'Like him or loathe him, last night CNN’s Glenn Beck became the only mainstream media source thus far to address on national TV the reality of the situation Americans are facing with the manufactured financial implosion - the direct threat of domestic martial law and a global financial dictatorship. Beck’s guest, Peter Schiff, respected author of “Crash Proof” and president of the brokerage firm Euro Pacific Capital, joined him in outlining that martial law, the use of armed troops on the streets to quell dissent, is a real possibility should the economic crisis not improve or worsen to the point where civil unrest is formented.' IRS Commissioner Evades The Question On The Legality Of Income Tax 'What U.S. law requires Americans to pay income taxes? Watch IRS Commissioner Everson evade a direct question from the New York Times tax reporter. Why won't he answer ???' NHS IN Hull To Spend £1.75Million On Ocean-Going Yacht And 'Sailing Academy' For Jobless Teens 'A plan by health chiefs to spend £1.75million on buying a yacht and launching a 'sailing academy' for jobless teenagers has been condemned as a scandalous waste of money. Bosses at NHS Hull, the primary care trust in one of Britain's unhealthiest cities, say the project to train young people to sail the ocean-going vessel will improve their life prospects and have a positive long-term effect on their health. But the move has met with outrage from critics, who say it comes at a time that hospitals in the area are closing.' Mail Carriers To Bring Drugs In Anthrax Attack 'Government mail carriers would deliver emergency supplies of antibiotics to people in U.S. cities in the case of an anthrax attack, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services officials said on Wednesday. The system has been tested in three large cities -- Seattle, Philadelphia and Boston -- and a pilot program is set to begin soon in the Minneapolis-St. Paul area in Minnesota. HHS Secretary Mike Leavitt said there was no evidence any attack was imminent but that it was important for authorities to have a quick distribution system ready.' Now Police are Ordered To Pay Convicts For Giving Advice On Fighting Crime 'Police forces have been ordered to ask convicts to give them advice on fighting crime. Criminals can join new groups which may be involved in the planning of major police investigations - including operations to tackle terrorism, people-smuggling and Class A drug dealing. They will have their expenses paid if they join the Independent Advisory Groups which are being set up to address 'diversity issues'.' Blackwater Contracted to Evict People in Foreclosed Homes 'Sources have just confirmed that mortgage loan companies are contracting with Blackwater Worldwide to assist in the eviction of people still living in foreclosed homes. Though Blackwater Worldwide has not yet confirmed this, we have several reports of Blackwater contractors stealthily lurking through Chicago in full military fatigues with camouflaged furniture dollies and armored moving vans.' UK Faces Major Terror Plot, Warns Minister - Just Hours After Government Ditches 42-day Detention Plan 'Security minister Lord West last night claimed that 'another great plot' is being investigated by the police and security services. The warning of a potential new terrorist attack came as a dramatic intervention in a House of Lords debate over new terrorism powers. Lord West, the Home Office's counter-terrorism minister, declared: 'There is another great (terrorist) plot building up again and we are monitoring this.' The threat is 'huge', he added. The former head of the Royal Navy, and part of Gordon Brown's so-called 'Government of all the talents', gave no further details. ' Obama And The Coming Military State 'A new militarism is now emerging in America and Barack Obama is about to become the figurehead for a militarized US nation. Why do I say this? I say this because the new ruling elite in America, as outlined by Webster Tarpley, is a"Trilateral” hawkish group made up of Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, David Rockefeller, and his 79 year old protege, Zbigniew Brzezinski. Add Henry Paulson into this “Principals Committee” and you have along with Rockefeller, the international Zionist bankers in the “Trilateral” mix. Obama appears in every photo-op as if he’s the cat that swallowed the presidential mouse. I think Obama knows something that only his enablers, Gates & Brzezinski, know for sure. And this should not surprise anyone in our day of “electronic votes” which can easily be manipulated by powerful figures who not only control the US military but electronic voting machines as well.'Wednesday, 15 October 2008 Wednesday, 15 October 2008 Wednesday, 15 October 2008 Wednesday, 15 October 2008 Wednesday, 15 October 2008 Wednesday, 15 October 2008 Wednesday, 15 October 2008 Tuesday, 14 October 2008
Wednesday, 15 October 2008
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Britannia Radio