"The Dollar Standard Is Coming To An End" The no-think nation Lehman Administrators' Task Will Dwarf Enron, Creditors Told Leading Economist Warns of Food Riots What Is NorthCom Up To? : NorthCom has been in the news lately, after the Pentagon designated to it a battle-tested fighting unit from the war on Iraq. This appears to be against the law, according to the ACLU, since the army isn’t supposed to be patrolling our own country. Venezuela's Chavez plans alternative financial crisis summit: On Friday, Chavez accused the G20 of ignoring the world's smaller countries. He also expressed doubt that its November 14-15 summit in Washington would be able to come up with measures to tackle the economic "hurricane" that he says the U.S. has caused. Eurozone slips into recession: The eurozone has officially slippped into recession after European Union (EU) statisticians estimated the economy of its 15-member states shrank by 0.2 per cent in the third quarter.
5 Minute Video - Dr. Paul on the Global Financial Summitt
One Central Bank For The World to Replace The Dollar Standard. The Congressman discusses the G-20 summit taking place in Washington this weekend that will address the global monetary system.
The Crisis Has Hardly Begun
By Paul Craig Roberts
The exchange value of the dollar will decline with the domestic inflation. Once inflation is off and running, the printing press dollars will only have goods made in America to chase after. The real crisis has not yet begun. Continue
• European arm has more than $500bn of debt
• Collapsed bank's creditors expect less than 10%
By Simon Bowers
Speaking after the first creditors' meeting, a team from PricewaterhouseCoopers said they had identified more than $1tn (£670bn) in assets and liabilities that need to be accounted for.Continue
By The London Banker and RGE Monitor
Everyone along the supply chain should worry about their jobs. Many will lose their jobs sooner rather than later. Continue
Monday, 17 November 2008
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Britannia Radio