If We Don't Learn From History...
Once all 50 states allowed branch banking, the Comptroller decided it was okay for banks to use bank holding companies to establish banks in other states… a direct violation of the McFadden Act. Suddenly, we saw First Interstate Banks all over the western United States. We saw NationsBank of North Carolina owning banks in Florida and Citibank moved into California and Arizona. Until this time, the McFadden Act prevented interstate branch banking – intrastate branch banking laws were controlled by each state. To my knowledge, the McFadden Act has never been over-turned… just ignored by the Congress........
by Marilyn Barnewall
Will America Survive? Soon We Shall Know
The event that will determine whether or not this nation survives was not the popular vote for Illegal-Alien Elect Hussein. It will be the decision the U.S. Supreme Court makes on whether he is eligible to serve. Some people in the other branches have said the Constitution is dead. The late Republicrud Congressman Henry Hyde of Illinois – a purported “conservative” – said as follows: “The Constitution is old and needs to be rewritten.”.......
by Alan Stang
The Power Elite Playbook: Japan, Land of Western Industrialization
One of the first U.S./Japan joint ventures was Nippon Electric Company (NEC), established in 1899 with Western Electric, as a 54 percent shareholder. During the 1920s, other joint ventures included U.S. automobile companies. Toyota's sales organization began with American marketing methods acquired while working with Ford and General Motors which had established assembly operations. The U.S. companies purchased local parts which helped to create a network of suppliers. Nissan began as a Ford parts supplier. Many of the joint ventures ultimately became prominent Japanese corporations.......
by Deanna Spingola
America Depends on You More Than Ever
As I reflect during this Thanksgiving season about our country and what to be thankful for, I am ah struck when I look at the real story and sacrifice of the pilgrims that first Thanksgiving with the local Indians. Instead of the big fancy Turkey and pumpkin pie meals we have today they had a bunch of Deer meat and venison. The key thing to remember is that though having fled to an entirely new continent, though fragile in health for many, though having to trust the Lord for endless survival needs and details they did. They were full of thanks to God and seeking His guidance in all things........
by Laurie Roth
Friday, 28 November 2008
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Britannia Radio