Red List - Blue List - Which One Are You On?

If you are a U.S. Citizen who doesn't go with the flow of what the government deems is politically correct, could your name and personal information be placed on a list of people to 'watch'?
Ex Joint Chief of Staff- Al Cuppett warns Americans that the United States Government has secret lists: the RED list and the BLUE list. The Red list is for people who are deemed political / ideological / or religious 'trouble makers' and will be rounded up immediately and sent to detention camps in times of national 'emergency'. One source defines the Red List as: "Those who could lead resistance, opinion makers or those in the media - Main stream or alternative, certain known militia leaders and members, patriotic ex military who could train and lead citizens in resistance to tyrants and their martial law privations , and current U.S. Military that would side with their fellow citizens against tyranny. "
The Blue list is for people who are just 'suspected' of being possible trouble makers and people to keep an eye on. In times of public disturbances or rebellion, the people on the RED List will be picked up first and sent to detention camps throughout America. Then it will be the people on the BLUE List. Are you on one of these lists? Can it really be?

Could foreign troops currently residing in training facilities on U.S. Military bases, or in clandestine bases in rural areas, closed military bases, etc. round up people on the lists and take them away to detention camps? It's happened before. Hitler, Stalin, Mao, etc. Can it happen again?
Ex Joint Chief of Staff Al Cuppett says it can. He is co-author of the book, "America Sold Out" and he joins Tamar and talks about how a government can seize power by use of military force or even the use of foreign troops. Can all of this really be? Or is this just 'conspiracy theory'? You decide.
Also, see video clips on:
'Detention Camps already built in America':
U.S. Military troops to be stationed inside America with an active unit to serve as an 'on call Federal response' in times of emergency, including civil unrest and crowd control. See: