After marathon surgery lasting 72 days and requiring teams of political surgeons working in shifts, many brought in from around Europe, the operation to remove the United Kingdom's spine has been successfully completed. The patient is in intensive care and her condition is described as poor. A visitor from Lithuania who was allowed to spend a few moments at the UK's bedside emerged looking pale and said the UK looked 'weak'. The conclusion of the procedure was greeted with quiet satisfaction by specialists in Russia, where the technique was inspired.Tuesday, 11 November 2008
UK spine removal takes 72 days
Surgery timeline:
31 August -
Russia threatens European energy supplies
11 September -
Russia threatens Ukraine not to join NATO
16 October -
UK wavers but blocks 'business as usual' with Russia
28 October -
Peter Mandelson in Moscow for trade talks
10 November -
UK U-turn opens way for EU-Russia talks without Georgia withdrawal
Tuesday, 11 November 2008
Posted by
Britannia Radio
And all the Eastern Europeans seem to have gone home too.
Funny that.
So no gas or oil of our own.
No electricity generating capacity in UK hands
No East Europeans to pick the sprouts or cabbage
Chavs all refuse to work claiming incapacity benefit
Shops giving stuff away to people who haven't got any money
Merry Christmas everyone