I see that the BBC is running the line by the president of the European Commission, Jose Manuel Barroso that the UK is "closer than ever before"to joining the euro currency zone. Speaking on a French radio show, he said British politicians were considering the move because of the effects of the global credit crunch. Given that Labour denies it has had any change of heart on the Euro, you would think the BBC might have pursued Barroso's claim a little bit more vigorously? Which British politicians had told him this? When did he gain this new insight that he felt moved to share with French radio listeners? Are there any within the UK government that see this as an opportunity to advance the Euro cause? After all, since Brown has wrecked our British Pound he may feel inclined to move on and find a new currency to destroy? Comments: 2 (unread) - Biased BBC Home Sunday, November 30, 2008 Reading Jay Hunt, the Controller of BBC1, describe Jonathan Ross as"responsible" made me think that the BBC hierarchy are like the Bourbons in that they learn nothing and forget nothing. How on earth can anyone describe the sniggering puerile cash grabbing Wossy as "responsible" when he has shown no evidence that he even understands the concept? Labels: WossyBrandSachsgate Comments: 5 (unread) - Biased BBC Home ed thomas #Biased BBC Monday, December 01, 2008
David Vance #CLOSE TO EU?
David Vance #
Monday, 1 December 2008
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Britannia Radio