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U.S. Jewish groups training for Mumbai-style attack
More than 30 Jewish organizations gathered in New York for an exercise that simulated coordinated attacks on institutions in multiple locations throughout the United States. Read more »
Editors' Picks
Eviction in HebronThe settlers are fooling themselves if they think their campaign to hold onto the West Bank will be determined by force. Rather, the fate of the West Bank will be determined by politics and public opinion, writes JTA Managing Editor Uriel Heilman. |
The chosen peopleHarvard professor Jon Levenson reflects on the Jewish doctrine of being God's chosen people in Commentary magazine. "Few religious doctrines have attracted more virulent criticism than the idea of the chosen people," he writes. "And yet, like the Jews themselves, the idea of the chosen people will not die." |
Eric Holder and the Marc Rich pardonMuch is being made of the connection between Eric Holder, Barack Obama's nominee for U.S. attorney general, and Marc Rich, the international financier pardoned in the waning days of the Clinton administration. The Washington Post offers two arguments against Holder, based on the Rich pardon. |
Israel rebuffed by EuropeIn the latest show of the tenuous relations between Israel and Europe, the European Union postponed a decision about whether to upgrade its ties with the Jewish state. |