Thursday, 4 December 2008

Today's Top Stories

Police evict Jews from Jewish-owned Hebron home
Israeli police forced their way into a Jewish-owned home in the ancient Jewish city of Hebron Thursday and forcefully evicted the Jews living there, as applauding Palestinian Arabs looked on. The police were reportedly carrying out the instruction of Israel's ...

Will Israel act alone to strike Iran?
This question was raised in the Israeli media Thursday, and quickly made its way onto news sites and news television stations around the world. According to an exclusive report in _The Jerusalem Post_, the IDF (Israel Defense Forces) is drawing ...

Arabs shell Israel with impunity
As Israeli security forces moved in to evict tens of Jews from a Jewish-owned home in Hebron Thursday, Arabs in the Gaza Strip fired a mortar into the Negev, and were allowed to get away with it. A day earlier ...

Commentary - Jerusalem Watchman
Israel, when you go out to battle
Here on the ground in Jerusalem there are no visible signs Israel could indeed be counting down to a strike. We would expect some kind of Home Front Command alert to ready us for the possible retaliation Iran has vowed will follow any Israeli attack. Nonetheless ...

Commentary - Jerusalem Watchman
Who’s afraid of Obama’s team?
I am neither troubled nor dismayed as I watch, from Jerusalem, the growing line-up of officials selected to fill the powerful posts of the soon-to-be invested Obama administration.

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