The TaxPayers' Alliance's Public Sector Rich List
Nearly 200 public sector workers earn more than the Prime Minister,
with four of them enjoying salaries of more than £1 million a year,
it is revealed today. - (The Sunday Telegraph 23/11/08)
No scanners to read ID cards
Britain's first biometric ID cards cannot be read because the
government has not issued any scanners (Observer 30.11.08)
[They're costing billions - nobody wants them - and even the
government isn't serioius asbout them! -cs]
Councils in Devon, Somerset and Hertfordshire have all withdrawn
recycling services for some or all of paper, plastic, cardboard and
aluminium foil because they can neither sell the materials nor have
antywhere to store them now that the Chinese economy has collapsed.
(various including Telegraph 29/11/08)
Basildon council is to spend an extra £223,000 on top of £2 million
on upgrading their head office despite the fact that the whole
building is
earmarked for demolition as part of the town centre's transformation.
Barnet council spent thousands on sending both its chief executive
and the council leader on a course on leadership skills in Boston
despite the fact that the CEO is leaving to run the Greater London
authority and the council leader is tory candidate for a seat he
might reasonably be confident of winning!
(both Sunday Telegraph 30.11.08)
The latest initiative to tackle binge-drinking
"Forget tougher sentences and more bobbies on the beat, the latest
weapon in the war on drunk yobs is... bubble blowing. Revellers at
pubs and clubs will be handed bubble-blowers with the aim of
channelling over-boisterous behaviour into harmless fun... But the
latest initiative has been condemned as a 'nursery school gimmick'
and a waste of taxpayers' money." -( Daily Mail 1.12.08)
European Commission coffee machines proved poisonous
EU commissioners and their staff would have to stand in line at the
shop again, after the 20 state-of-the-art espresso machines installed in
January for their exclusive use proved to brew highly contaminated
coffee. - - - findings proved that the levels of heavy metals in the
coffee were a danger to the health of EU officials, at more than
17,000 percent above the legal threshold for nickel and over 16
percent for lead.
[foiled again! That nickel was expensive -cs] (EU Observer 4/12/08)
Women's work
Today I made a new bicycle out of macramé and knitted a meal for a
family of 10 out of cabbage scavenged from my local allotment.
Tomorrow, I plan to craft my husband a suit and new briefcase out of
old bits of blanket. I do not actually have a husband, but if I did,
that is what I would do. Because according to the new crop of how-to
books vying for the Christmas present pound, the old-fashioned way of
making do and mending is the best strategy for staying afloat
financially. (Emma Jacobs FT 4/12/08)
Now that the "genie is out of the bottle" so to speak and it is clear
that members of the government can be held to account by the police
(legal system), let's now arrest those that are suspected of wrongdoing:
Tony Blair - Iraq War and Cash for Honours
Lord Mandelson - Mortgage Fraud
Alistair Campbell, with others - Harassment of Dr David Kelly
John Prescott - Assault and Abuse of Office
To name just a few. Justice served, not party politics, should prevail
(Source ?)
Thursday, 4 December 2008
Posted by
Britannia Radio