Monday, 22 December 2008

December 22, 2008
The case for antidisestablishment

Daily Mail, 22 December 2008

There can be little doubt that the disestablishment of the Church of England has hardly been the subject at the top of everyone’s agenda.

Indeed, until very recently, probably the only time most people gave it a moment’s thought was as the staple piece of useless information on quiz nights, that ‘antidisestablishmentarianism’ is the longest word in the English language.

Now, however, a head of steam is building up — within the Labour party in particular — for the disestablishment of England’s national Church, thereby disentangling it altogether from both the monarchy and Parliament.

Three former Government ministers have openly backed the idea of such a separation, with one claiming that the majority of Labour backbenchers would vote to end the special position the Church has enjoyed since the 16th-century Reformation.

This would leave the Church — along with Protestantism itself — as having no more status or authority in the public life of this country than either minority faiths or atheism.

The MPs have taken their cue from remarks made in a magazine article last week by the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, that it would ‘not be the end of the world’ if the Church was disestablished. Such a change, he said, would not destroy it.

Yet in the next breath he said he felt ‘unease’ about such a move because it would further destabilise faith itself in Britain which was already standing on shaky foundations.

This is what might be called having your communion wafer and eating it. Is Dr Williams actually for disestablishment or against it? The answer seems to be ‘Yes — er, I think so — but not just now’.

But if it’s a bad idea now, it’s a bad idea, period. Floating it like this weakens the Church and puts rocket fuel behind the move to disestablish it. The importance of this issue goes far beyond an arcane constitutional argument.

Disestablishment might not destroy the Church, but it would be a nail in the coffin for this country’s beleaguered identity.

It would mean a radical diminution of the role of the monarch, who at present is supreme governor of the Church of England and defender of the faith, a title dating back to Henry VIII.

The monarch is the living embodiment of this country’s identity. And the radical change that disestablishment would bring about in the monarchy would be reflected also in the identity of the nation.

Certainly, much of the pressure for disestablishment arises from the perception that British society is already changing. With the country now accommodating so many different faiths — and none — and with so few going regularly to church, an established national Church is presented as an anachronism.

Moreover, in our ‘equal rights’ culture it is seen as discriminating against non-Protestants. That’s why the Government is considering repealing the 1701 Act of Settlement, which was passed to prevent Catholics from ever ascending the throne.

But the fact is that Protestantism is a core element of this country’s identity. The break with Rome lies at the very heart of Britain’s development as a modern nation. Protestantism infuses its institutions and values.

Without it, there would not have developed the robust individualism from which flowed democracy and a liberal society. For this reason, it is simply impossible to repeal the Act of Settlement without unravelling the complex and interrelated facets of Britain’s constitution.

The Government’s desire to do so is of a piece with the ‘year-zero’ style vandalism it has already wreaked upon the constitution in its desire to create a ‘multicultural’ society.

Believing that this has already happened, Prince Charles himself famously declared that when he became King he wished to be not ‘defender of the faith’ but defender of ‘faith’.

But Christianity is not just any faith. It lies at the heart of British values and Western civilisation.

Breaking the link would mean Christianity would be cast adrift, along with many of this country’s values. The Church might not be destroyed, but the country’s core identity would undoubtedly suffer.

And the plain fact is that Britain is not multicultural. Parts of it are multi-ethnic, with large pockets of immigrants from other nations, but that is a very different matter.

Britain remains a Protestant Christian country, and most Britons define themselves as such.

Certainly, it is a troubling fact that few now go to church, and in many respects the country has become markedly irreligious. Indeed, a report by Christian Research, published at the weekend, predicted that church attendance would fall by as much as 90per cent by 2050.

But that is largely because the Church itself has been so feeble in propounding its core beliefs. Giving every impression that faith in God and the Christian story are a social embarrassment, for the past four decades the Church has turned itself into a kind of Left-wing social workers’ trade union.

Even the Archbishop of York, Dr John Sentamu, who recently spoke out strongly against disestablishment on the grounds that the Church plays an essential role in public life, said he wanted it to be more like a hospital and open to followers of any religion or none.

Faced with the onslaught by atheists, Left-wingers and nihilists intent on destroying the fundamental moral beliefs of Christianity, the Church spinelessly went with the flow.

The result has been empty pews. Yet the fact that those evangelical churches which have remained faithful to Scripture are full to bursting shows that the public appetite for Christian faith is still very much there.

Worse still, the undermining of Christianity from within is being exploited by militant Islamist fanatics who want to turn Britain into an Islamic state.

This might seem an impossible notion, until you recall the way Dr Williams — followed by the senior judge Lord Phillips — said there was nothing to be feared from the encroachment within Britain of Islamic sharia law, regardless of the fact that such law is based on principles which are inimical to Christianity and liberal democracy.

The only way to defend British and Western society from such cultural attack is to re-assert a confident Christianity. Yet Dr Williams spends all his time apologising for the faith he supposedly represents.

His behaviour and the parlous position of British culture and nationhood irresistibly bring to mind the words of the poet W. B. Yeats: ‘The best lack all conviction, while the worst are full of passionate intensity.’

A liberal society believes in giving minorities the freedom to practise their faith. It does not mean destroying the very idea of a majority faith.

It is no surprise that the call for disestablishment is not coming from non-Christian faiths. I am a Jew; yet I believe that without Protestantism holding the ring, British culture will descend into a fight for supremacy between faith groups in which the strongest and most violent will win.

For sure, there is no established church in America. And as Dr Williams observed, the church is disestablished in Wales. But the crucial point is the manner in which the relationship between Church and State is embedded in the warp and weft of that society.

If that relationship changes or is broken altogether, the society will inevitably change or be broken.

Maybe we can’t any longer hold off the demand for ‘equality’ between Christianity and the other faiths that make up modern Britain. But in that case we have to accept that Britain and its values will be utterly changed, and not for the better.

Happy Christmas.