Billions more will have to be pumped into the economy to avoid it spiralling into an even 'darker' recession, the head of the International Monetary Fund has warned...Opening the spending taps in this way would run the risk of blowing an even bigger hole in the public finances, experts warned. But the IMF believes racking up more debt is the lesser of two evils - and that Britain’s collapse will dwarf those in the U.S., Germany, France, Spain, Russia and Brazil. In other words, Gordon Brown’s fiscal stimulus has been too cautious. And so this leaves the Tories saying...what, precisely?... There is no greater oppressor on this earth then [sic] the Zionists, who murder little children for So pernicious is this phenomenon that...Monday, 22nd December 2008
The reckless IMF?
The Daily Mail reports that the head of the International Monetary Fund, Dominique Strauss-Khan, is recommending even more drastic action to prevent the British and other leading economies from spiralling into a yet more disastrous recession:Prosecute him
The Centre for Social Cohesion has noticed that Ashok Bukhari, the extremist who runs the Islamist Muslim Public Affairs Committee website, has now been openly glorifying terrorism. On a public facebook discussion forum, he said:Muslims who fight against the occupation of their lands are ‘Mujahadeen’ and are blessed by Allah. And any Muslim who fights against Israel and dies is a martyr and will be granted paradise. The concept of Jihad is a beautiful thing, and logical to those with a sincere heart. It tells the human being to stand up and fight against those who bring evil and oppression on this earth, and by standing up - roll back that oppression until the people are free from it.
...Saturday, 20th December 2008
The fifth column of the fourth estate
The indispensable Walid Phares reflects upon the way in which the useuful idiots of the western media have, in their ineffable ignorance and stupidity, not to mention malice, once again done the jihadists’ dirty work for them in the way they have responded to the bloke who threw his shoe at President Bush:Minutes after the incident took place and was captured by the media feed and aired worldwide, a snowball flurry of releases, special shows with commentators - gathered too fast for the circumstance - were on the airwaves. Interestingly al Baghdadiya TV issued – faster than the speed of light - a long press release calling for struggle. Minutes after, a vast magma of satellite channel sympathizers of Jihadism, and of sites virulently anti-democracy, exploded with incitement and calls for mobilization - and some were
...Friday, 19th December 2008
Kafka comes to the British courts
At long last, the issue of libel tourism has come out into the open. The Labour MP Denis MacShane instigated adebate in the House of Commons two days ago to draw attention to the fact that Britain, the cradle of free speech and political liberty, has become the epicentre of the attempt to shut down discussion of terrorism and other noxious activities which involve certain wealthy foreigners, who are taking advantage of Britain’s ferocious libel laws to silence all those who try to write about them. Remarkably, American legislatures are being forced to pass bills to stop British courts punishing American writers for publishing books and articles that may be freely read in the United States but about which foreigners with deep enough pockets can sue them in the British courts.
Monday, 22 December 2008
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Britannia Radio