By Faheem
It’s the end of a difficult autumn, marked by a worsening financial crisis, tense relations with Russia following the conflict with Georgia during the summer and still no real hope that the long-elusive EU reform treaty, ...
Newspaper Articles -
The United States and Ukraine intend to expand cooperation to enhance job creation and economic growth, support economic reform and liberalization, develop a business climate supportive of trade and investment and improve market access for goods and services. ... Consistent with the U.S.-EU Summit Declaration of June 10, 2008, the United States and Ukraine intend to enhance a trilateral dialogue with the European Union on enhanced energy security. ... -
The price of the combined direct and indirect expenses of EU membership in 2008 costs Britain £55.775 billion. Set out in the latest Bruges Group research the full financial burden to Britain has now been calculated. ...
Rugfish and politics -
Grahnlaw: EU procurement: Award procedures By Grahnlaw Open procedure, restricted procedure, competitive dialogue, negotiated procedure and design contest are defined in Article 1.11 of the EC (EU) Procurement Directive 2004/18/EC: .... (d) for the purchase of supplies on particularly advantageous terms, from either a supplier which is definitively winding up its business activities, or the receivers or liquidators of a bankruptcy, an arrangement with creditors, or a similar procedure under national laws or regulations; ... Grahnlaw - |
European Parliament Climate Change Package Includes Vehicle CO2 ... Included in that package is the regulation setting CO2 emissions performance standards for new cars registered in the EU (based on the compromise worked out earlier, earlier post) as well as a revised fuel quality directive that ... The revised fuel quality directive requires fuel suppliers to reduce greenhouse gas emissions caused by extraction or cultivation, including land-use changes, transport and distribution, processing and combustion of transport ... EcoSilly - |