Is Bernard Madoff Running the Federal Government?
We have all seen the film footage of Madoff leaving his New York apartment and being pushed around by a horde of photographers and cameramen trying to get a shot of him. Why aren’t the politicians being surrounded in similar fashion for destroying the financial stability of our country?.......
by Cliff Kincaid
Pravda Americana
Okay, so we’re really the Divided States of America. Does that surprise you? We haven’t been United for some time. Our corrupt public education system, even more corrupt news media and several others have conspired to keep the death of the United States a secret for 148 years....
by RC Murray
SWAT Team Conducts Food Raids in Rural Ohio
On Monday, December 1, a SWAT team with semi-automatic rifles entered the private home of the Stowers family in LaGrange, Ohio, herded the family onto the couches in the living room, and kept guns trained on parents, children, infants and toddlers, from approximately 11 AM to 8 PM. The team was aggressive and belligerent. The children were quite traumatized. At some point, the “bad cop” SWAT team was relieved by another team, a “good cop” team that tried to befriend the family. The Stowers family has........
by Berit Kjos
Sunday, 21 December 2008
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Britannia Radio