Wednesday, 17 December 2008

The Fall Of Babylon
By Benjamin Fulford 
What we are witnessing is the fall of the 6,000-year old system of Babylonian debt slavery. The human ants are running around in increasing panic because they sense something big has happened. Most are blind so they cannot see that the eye at the top of the human ant-hill, or pyramid, has been overthrown. There is chaos because the people at the top cannot agree on what to do next.
Here is a humble suggestion on how the end the chaos and start an unprecedented era of prosperity. First of all, we need to replace the God we call money with a symbol of the world. A new currency would be issued, call it say a Mundo or ??and, for a limited period of time, it could be exchanged on a one for one basis with dollars or euros. The U.S. and the EU could then replace their currencies with something new, perhaps something like the greenback. The old dollar and euro would become something to be found in curiosity and antique shops. Other national or regional currencies could remain as they are.
The new currency would then be handed out each month on an equal basis to all humans on earth based on current world GDP. This would amount to roughly 8,000 Mundos per person annually. For the first time many humans will be able to afford the basic commodities of consumer life, such as a television, triggering a vast economic boom.
In addition to this, every human would be given, as a basic human right, access to the minimum necessary nutrition and emergency medical care.
In order to preserve nature, an inventory would be kept and destruction of nature would result in a loss of currency calculated according to some sort of basket based on things like the number of whales and the amount of rainforest etc.
Benjamin Fulford