Wednesday, 17 December 2008

Tuesday, 16th December 2008

The incoherence of political opportunism


Does David Cameron stand for anything other than political positioning? The past few days have seen a frantic pace of speech-making as he tries to counter Gordon Brown’s jibe that the Tory leader has nothing to say about the great issue of the day, the financial crisis. Some of what Cameron has been saying – such as his remarks yesterday about the need to hold the mega-rich to account and the uselessness of the financial regulatory structure – is perfectly proper and sensible. But although he has expressed ever more firmly the fundamental policy difference between himself and Brown – that he thinks fiscal stimulus is a wildly irresponsible policy which will deepen and lengthen Britain’s recession – he still hasn’t come up with any proposal that will address the problem.

So Brown’s taunt that he is basically...

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