Wednesday, 31 December 2008

The IDF Video Censored by YouTube

by Baruch Gordon

( The Israel Defense Forces has opened an IDF channel on the YouTube video site which features videos of the War in Gaza made available by the IDF Spokesperson's Unit. Some of the videos have been taken down by the YouTube management.

The most popular video, which had received over 10,000 views in less than one day until it was removed, is available for viewing below:     

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The night video shows Hamas terrorists clearly loading Grad-type Katyusha rockets onto pickup trucks. Towards the end of the video, a great explosion and fire is seen as the IDF terminated the terrorist activity with extreme prejudice.

The above video and others were apparently taken down due to numerous complaints by pro-Arab viewers who "reported" the video as inappropriate.

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  Security Forces Shoot Arab Rioter Dead at Na'alin US Blames Hamas for War, Cautions Israel on Civilian Casualties

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1. Israel only ones to stand up against the Arabs who terrorize the world.
Shalom, (31/12/08)
2. YouTube
George, North Port, Fl (31/12/08)
3. Dhimmis at youtube
WASP, (31/12/08)
4. Why don't we all email you tube and complain? I did (N"C)
Yosef, (31/12/08)
5. Post the videos here for download
Ya'cov Shimpson, Vienna (31/12/08)
6. Extreme Bias
Ephraim Dovid, Monsey (31/12/08)
7. Pollard rots in prison and another US/Israel spy goes free!
BMT, USA (31/12/08)
8. Sensibilities.
Nathan Rai, Bangalore (31/12/08)
LEN, USA (31/12/08)
10. I used to like youtube but not so much anymore!!
Sue, USA (31/12/08)
11. Congrats to IAF & IDF...
Ken Mathews, Maryland (31/12/08)
12. innocent hot dog vendors ?!!
a nano mouse, iss surreal (31/12/08)
13. Prejudice by concealing truth
Grace, Berwick (31/12/08)
14. censoring actions, not the messages.
Lea de Lange, Jerusalem (31/12/08)