Who pays these people to make such utterly wrong predictions ?
Mystic Meg would be cheaper and better
The first is total baloney. The water companies are crying "Wolf!"
not because of a shortage of water but because they haven't provided
enough storage reservoirs, which, incidentally, right now are full to
the brim!
Then we get the Met Office not only getting the future wrong but
getting the past wrong too. Just read what it is that 'we are
supposed to take seriously' - and pay for!
FINALLY REJOICE IN the third piece here! - "Top 10 dud predictions"
It's a wonderful assemblage of the world's worst mad Global Warming
predictions! - ALL wrong!
xxxxxxxxxxxx cs
TELEGRAPH 29.12.08
Half of England and Wales at risk of extreme drought, report warns
Nearly half the households in England and Wales live in areas that
are at risk of extreme drought, according to a report by the
Environment Agency.*
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --
*[ The Environment Agency is a non-departmental public body of the
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Water Management
. 3.1 Flood and coastal erosion
. 3.2 Water resources
. 3.3 Wildlife, recreation and marine
. 4 Environment Protection Responsibilities
. 4.1 Air quality
. 4.2 Land quality
. 4.3 Water quality
Water resources
The Agency manages the use and conservation of water through the
issue of water abstraction licences for activities such as drinking
water supply, artificial irrigation and hydro-electricity generation.
Its remit also extends into Scotland in the River Tweed and River
Solway catchments where special arrangements exist with SEPA to avoid
duplication but retain management on a catchment basis.
Complex arrangements exist for the management of river regulation
reservoirs, which are used to store winter water in the wetter parts
of England and Wales in order to maintain levels in the summer time
so that there is sufficient water to supply the drier parts of the
country with drinking water.]
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --
By Ben Leach
More than 24 million people, and 10.5 million households, have less
water available per person than the population of Morocco and Egypt.
The report, due to be published in the New Year, is the most
comprehensive yet on the state of water resources in the UK.
It concludes the huge pressure on water supplies from large and
wealthy populations in areas with relatively low rainfall means that
nearly half of England and Wales now live in areas of "water stress".
It warns that many rivers, lakes, estuaries and aquifers are already
being drained so low that there is a danger to wildlife and a risk to
public supplies in dry years.
"Water stress", which is where supply might not keep up with demand,
is a problem usually associated with parched regions such as north
Africa and the Middle East.
The agency is expected to highlight the report to lobby for increases
in the number of homes with water meters to reduce demand.
It will cite the fact the average water use in the UK is 148 litres
per person per day and as high as 170 litres in the south-east of
This compares to the government target of 130.
The agency is also expected to argue for a new system of regulation.
Under this plan, companies would be allowed to earn more profit if
they reduce demand, a system pioneered in California and already
being considered by some UK energy companies.
Trevor Bishop, the agency's head of water resource policy, said: "We
[will] have 10-20 million extra people, we have got climate change
[YES! But it's got colder and wetter! -cs] ; all the things we have
done in the past will get less and less certain and more vulnerable,
so what we're doing is trying to manage demands down.
"What [water stress] means for us is the risk of extreme drought and
the infrastructure we rely on to supply our water resources would
come under stress."
We are supposed to take this seriously?
Next year in the UK is set to be one of the top-five warmest on
record, according to the Met Office.
The average global temperature for 2009 is expected to be more than
0.4 degrees celsius above the long-term average, making it the
warmest year since 2005. The Met Office also says there is a growing
probability of record temperatures after next year.
The record year was 1998, [Oh, NO, it wasn't! They corrected this
quite casually right back to - er - 1938, I believe -cs] and this
one, we are led to believe, will not be far behind, even if it will
not beat the hottest year. Thus, says Professor Phil Jones, director
of the climate research unit at the University of East Anglia,
"global warming had not gone away despite the fact that 2009, like
the year just gone, would not break records." [They just ignore all
the facts and say, in effect, 'black is while' -cs]
Taking a quick reality break, courtesy of Steven Goddard over at
Watts up with that?, we are reminded that the Met Office in April
last year predicted that the 2008 summer would be "warmer than
average" with "rainfall near or above average."
That was immediately picked up by The Observer which happily
reported: "Britain set to enjoy another sizzling summer after new
evidence from the Met Office suggested above average temperatures for
the season."
As the country basked in warm spring sunshine over the Easter
weekend, the paper went on, "the new research suggests that it could
be time to say goodbye to defining features of British life, like
rainy picnics and cloudy sunbathing."
By 29 August, however, someone had obviously been looking out of the
window, allowing the Met Office unashamedly to report that the summer
of 2008 had been: "one of the wettest on record across the UK." And
here they go again, "predicting" that 2008 [sic - 2009?-cs] will
give us another warmer than average summer.
Meanwhile, as we shiver in the unaccustomed cold, The Daily Telegraph
is telling us: "New Year's Eve set to be colder than in Iceland."
Even then, the memory-free journos - Duncan Gardham and Jon Swaine -
have imbibed the fantasia and are solemnly repeating the Met Office
Funny enough, all Met Office forecasts carry a health warning. We are
told that, "Our long-range forecasts are proving useful to a range of
people, such as emergency planners and the water industry, in order
to help them plan ahead." [But the Environment Agency - see first
posting above - allocate our money bassed on observable nonsense -cs]
They are not, we are cautioned, "forecasts which can be used to plan
a summer holiday or inform an outdoor event." But, it seems, they are
good enough to predict global warming well into the next Century.
And we are supposed to take this seriously?
Posted by Richard North
HERALD SUN [Melbourne) 19.12.08
Top 10 dud predictions
Andrew Bolt
GLOBAL warming preachers have had a shocking 2008. So many of their
predictions this year went splat.
Here's their problem: they've been scaring us for so long that it's
now possible to check if things are turning out as hot as they warned.
And good news! I bring you Christmas cheer - the top 10 warming
predictions to hit the wall this year.
Read, so you can end 2008 with optimism, knowing this Christmas won't
be the last for you, the planet or even the polar bears.
TIM Flannery, an expert in bones, has made a fortune from books and
lectures warning that we face global warming doom. He scared us so
well that we last year made him Australian of the Year.
In March, Flannery said: "The water problem is so severe for Adelaide
that it may run out of water by early 2009."
In fact, Adelaide's reservoirs are now 75 per cent full, just weeks
from 2009.
In June last year, Flannery warned Brisbane's "water supplies are so
low they need desalinated water urgently, possibly in as little as 18
In fact, 18 months later, its dams are 46 per cent full after
Brisbane's wettest spring in 27 years.
In 2005, Flannery predicted Sydney's dams could be dry in just two
In fact, three years later its dams are 63 per cent full, not least
because June last year was its wettest since 1951.
In 2004, Flannery said global warming would cause such droughts that
"there is a fair chance Perth will be the 21st century's first ghost
In fact, Perth now has the lowest water restrictions of any state
capital, thanks to its desalination plant and dams that are 40 per
cent full after the city's wettest November in 17 years.
Lesson: This truly is a land "of drought and flooding rains".
Distrust a professional panic merchant who predicts the first but
ignores the second
PROFESSOR Ove Hoegh-Guldberg, of Queensland University, is
Australia's most quoted reef expert.
He's advised business, green and government groups, and won our rich
Eureka Prize for scares about our reef. He's chaired a $20 million
global warming study of the World Bank.
In 1999, Hoegh-Guldberg warned that the Great Barrier Reef was under
pressure from global warming, and much of it had turned white.
In fact, he later admitted the reef had made a "surprising" recovery.
In 2006, he warned high temperatures meant "between 30 and 40 per
cent of coral on Queensland's great Barrier Reef could die within a
In fact,, he later admitted this bleaching had "a minimal impact".
In 2007, he warned that temperature changes of the kind caused by
global warming were again bleaching the reef.
In fact,, the Global Coral Reef Monitoring Network last week said
there had been no big damage to the reef caused by climate change in
the four years since its last report, and veteran diver Ben Cropp
said this week that in 50 years he'd seen none at all.
Lesson: Reefs adapt, like so much of nature. Learn again that scares
make big headlines and bigger careers.
IN April this year, the papers were full of warnings the Arctic ice
could all melt.
"We're actually projecting this year that the North Pole may be free
of ice for the first time," claimed Dr David Barber, of Manitoba
University, ignoring the many earlier times the Pole has been ice free.
"It's hard to see how the system may bounce back (this year),"
fretted Dr Ignatius Rigor, of Washington University's polar science
Tim Flannery also warned "this may be the Arctic's first ice-free
year", and the ABC and Age got reporter Marian Wilkinson to go stare
at the ice and wail: "Here you can see climate change happening
before your eyes."
In fact, the Arctic's ice cover this year was almost 10 per cent
above last year's great low, and has refrozen rapidly since.
Meanwhile, sea ice in the Southern Hemisphere has been increasing.
Been told either cool fact?
Yet Barber is again in the news this month, predicting an ice-free
Arctic now in six years. Did anyone ask him how he got his last
prediction wrong?
Lesson: The media prefers hot scares to cool truths. And it rarely
holds its pet scaremongers to account.
AL Gore sold his scary global warming film, An Inconvenient Truth,
shown in almost every school in the country, with a poster of a
terrible hurricane.
Former US president Bill Clinton later gloated: "It is now generally
recognised that while Al Gore and I were ridiculed, we were right
about global warming. . . It's going to lead to more hurricanes."
In fact,, there is still no proof of a link between any warming and
Australia is actually getting fewer cyclones, and last month
researchers at Florida State University concluded that the 2007 and
2008 hurricane seasons had the least tropical activity in the
Northern Hemisphere in 30 years.
Lesson: Beware of politicians riding the warming bandwagon.
ROSS Garnaut, a professor of economics, is the guru behind the Rudd
Government's global warming policies.
He this year defended the ugly curved steel roof he'd planned at the
rear of his city property, telling angry locals he was protecting
himself from climate change: "Severe and more frequent hailstones
will be a feature of this change," he said.
In fact,even the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change admits
"decreases in hail frequency are simulated for Melbourne. . ."
Lesson: Beware also of government advisers on that warming wagon.
A BAD ski season three years ago - right after a great one - had The
Age and other alarmists blaming global warming. The CSIRO, once our
top science body, fanned the fear by claiming resorts such as Mt
Hotham and Mt Buller could lose a quarter of their snow by 2020.
In fact, this year was another boom one for skiing, with Mt Hotham
and Mt Buller covered in snow five weeks before the season started.
What's more, a study this year in the Hydrological Sciences Journal
checked six climate models, including one used by the CSIRO.
It found they couldn't even predict the regional climate we'd had
already: "Local model projections cannot be credible . . ."
It also confirmed the finding of a study last year in the
International Journal of Climatology that the 22 most cited global
warming models could not "accurately explain the (global) climate
from the recent past".
As for predicting the future. . .
Lesson: The CSIRO's scary predictions are near worthless.
THE CSIRO last year claimed Perth was "particularly vulnerable" and
had a 90 per cent chance of getting less rain and higher temperatures.
"There are not many other parts of the world where the IPCC has made
a prediction that a drop in rainfall is highly likely," it said. [nb
The IPCC is the body all the other maniacs quote to justify their
scares! -cs]
In fact, Perth has just had its coldest and wettest November since 1991.
THE seas will rise up to 100m by 2100, claims ABC Science Show host
Robyn Williams. Six metres, suggests Al Gore. So let's take in
"climate refugees" from low-lying Tuvalu, says federal Labor. And ban
coastal development, says the Brumby Government.
In fact, while the seas have slowly risen since the last ice age,
before man got gassy, they've stopped rising for the last two,
according to data from the Jason-1 satellite.
"There is no evidence for accelerated sea-level rises," the Royal
Netherlands Meteorological Institute declared last month.
Lesson: Trust the data, not the politicians.
The British Met Office is home to the Hadley Centre, one of the top
centres of the man-made global warming faith.
In April it predicted: "The coming summer is expected to be a
'typical British summer'. . ."
In fact, in August it admitted: "(This) summer . . . has been one of
the wettest on record across the UK." In September it predicted: "The
coming winter (is) likely to be milder than average."
In fact, winter has been so cold that London had its first October
snow in 74 years -- and on the day Parliament voted to fight "global
Lesson: If the Met can't predict the weather three months out, what
can it know of the climate 100 years hence?
SPEAKING of the Met, it has so far predicted 2001, 2002, 2004, 2005
and 2007 would be the world's hottest or second-hottest year on
record, but nine of the past 10 years it predicted temperatures too
In fact, the Met this month conceded 2008 would be the coldest year
this century.
That makes 1998 still the hottest year on record since the Medieval
Warm Period some 1000 years ago. [Oh, NO, it wasn't! They corrected
this quite casually right back to - er - 1938, I believe -cs]
Indeed, temperatures have slowly fallen since around 2002.
As Roger Pielke Sr, Professor Emeritus of Colorado State University's
Department of Atmospheric Science, declared this month: "Global
warming has stopped for the last few years."
Lesson: Something is wrong with warming models that predict warming
in a cooling world, especially when we're each year pumping out even
more greenhouse gases. Be sceptical.
Those, then, are the top 10 dud predictions of that hooting,
screaming and screeching tribe of warming alarmists. Look and laugh.
And dare to believe the world is bright and reason may yet triumph.
Wednesday, 31 December 2008
Posted by
Britannia Radio