Thursday, 11 December 2008

Ron Paul: Printing Money Only Prolongs The Pain
Amidst the hand-wringing of the automaker bailout debate, Ron Paul took the opportunity on the House floor yesterday to remind Congress that the real culprit behind the financial crisis is the Federal Reserve, and that allowing the Fed to continue to print money without audit will only prolong the pain.

Ron Paul Radio Interview ‘Nationalization’ 12/9 
Dr. Paul was interviewed about the auto bailout and other economic issues on Newsradio AM 740 KTRH out of Houston, Texas.

Carbon Trading is a Scam
A big red flag is that our bailout buddies over at Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, Morgan Stanley, Citigroup and the other Wall Street pirates are buying heavily into carbon trading.

German FM criticises Britain’s ‘crass Keynesian’ policies: report
The German finance minister has launched a highly unusual attack on Britain’s economic stimulus package, saying it will not fend off recession but will leave the next generation saddled with debt.

• US budget deficit to reach USD 1 trillion
• Of the People, By the People, and For the People
• Sen. Vitter calls auto bailout ‘ass backwards’
• Trilateral Plan to Corner World Gold Market?