Thursday, 11 December 2008

THURSDAY, DECEMBER 11, 2008Disembowelling of the Telegraph Continues

Guido hears that Dan Hannan has been dropped as a leader writer and will now only "be doing occasional articles".

Even media pundit Roy Greenslade, no friend of reactionaries, is bemused at the spiritual disembowelling of the Telegraph. Craig Brown, AN Wilson and Iain Dale have all just got the chop in what the paper's insiders are claiming is all about economics rather than editorial tone. The "business model" is changing one source tells Guido. If you lose the paper's character and spirit, you will lose readers.

Balls : Germans Don't Really Mean It

All the usual mantras: "doing the right thing""Gordon is the Messiah".Who believes this rubbish?

Even Nick Robinson isn't buying it "There is, dare I suggest, another perfectly plausible theory. Mr Steinbruck believes what he says and does agree rather more with Mr Cameron than with Mr Brown, even though they come from the opposite ends of the political spectrum."

EU Dirty Ratifiers

Reports from Brussels coming in suggest that Ireland's political elite are allowing their arms to be twisted by the EU into ignoring the "No!" vote in the referendum and having another one. This comes as absolutely no surprise - the undemocratic nature of the EU project has always been manifest. It has a semblance of voting but the outcome is as pre-determined as a Soviet-era party congress. On the rare occasions when the project comes off the rails, nothing, not even the will of the people will stop it.

Irish citizens were the only people in Europe allowed to express their democratic will. They said "NO!" The EU's dirty ratifiers won't accept that answer.