Saturday, 13 December 2008 News - Headlines

Death of a bank: the downfall of a Scottish institution and how it happened

 INEVITABLE, and shocking. Overwhelming, and shocking. Humiliating, and shocking. At 12:40pm yesterday, the last of HBOS's shareholders threw in the towel and voted to accept the takeover bid from Lloyds TSB. And less than an hour later, at 1:30pm More info...

Final nail in the coffin after 313 proud years

A £12 Bank of Scotland note dated 24 June, 1723 - some 28 years after the institution was founded. Yesterday, HBOS shareholders voted to give up the bank's independence ITS history was also its asset, and "tanto uberior" its guiding motto for more than three centuries. In the end, though, the markets paid no heed to heritage. Never have those words, "So much the more plentiful", rang so hollow. More info...

Another day of gloom as bank axes 1,900

Santander is cutting jobs at its three UK arms: Abbey, Alliance & Leicester and Bradford & Bingley THOUSANDS more jobs were lost or threatened yesterday as the economic downturn and efficiency savings continued to cut a swathe through British industry. More info...