Tom McClintock The Winner in Tight Race For Congress
McClintock, 52, and Brown, 58, a retired U.S. Air Force lieutenant colonel, waged a fierce battle for the open congressional seat, and the fight didn’t end when the polls closed on Election Day. The results were so close – 50.3 to 49.7 percent – a recount was mandated of all ballots in the nine counties of the District, which covers northeastern California from Lake Tahoe to the Oregon border.......
by NWV News
Surrendering Sovereignty
If rural Oregon is to maintain any rights or benefits, its local governments must insist upon their republican rights. When there is a conflict between local interests and urban-imposed policies, they must fight for their rights and the rights of their constituents. Unfortunately, our elected officials are failing utterly in this regard. As a result, we in rural Oregon are losing all voice and authority regarding the regulation and quality of our lives. There can be no honorable explanation for the surrender of the commissioners in Baker, Grant, Union and Wallowa Counties........
by Attorney Jack Swift
Tony Jones’ continuous leftward slide into apostasy
Emergent Church guru Tony Jones, the former national coordinator of Emergent Village, has been holding the issue of homosexuality “in abeyance” because “homosexuality is one issue that I don’t want to get wrong.” On November 23 he came out with his personal view on this hotly debated topic. After years of pondering and praying, praying and pondering, he managed to come up with the wrong answer. How do I know this? Because his “revelation” doesn’t line up with Scripture........
by Marsha West
Obama Nominees Signal Radical Pro-U.N. Agenda
With the nominations of Clinton as Secretary of State and Rice as United Nations Ambassador, Obama’s global agenda is becoming clear. He wants to dramatically expand the power of the U.N., a corrupt global institution that is infested with spies for foreign and hostile interests. Obama’s record in the Senate included sponsorship of the pro-U.N. Global Poverty Act and co-sponsorship of the Jubilee Act. These........
by Cliff Kincaid
That déjà vu feeling
More and more Americans are becoming concerned by the fact that Barack Hussein Obama may not be eligible to the office of president. More and more articles are appearing on internet sites concerning this issue. While the mainstream media continually and erroneously refers to the fraudulent document released by the Obama camp as a “birth certificate” and tries to play down the growing concerns with fluff pieces like the one.......
by Lynn Stuter
Tuesday, 2 December 2008
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Britannia Radio