Thursday, 18 December 2008

Top Trends Of 2009

By Gerald Celente
KINGSTON, NY -- Exactly one year ago, The Trends Research Institute alerted you to an impending economic crisis we named, the "Panic of '08." Last year we wrote:"In 2008, Americans will wake up to the worst economic times that anyone alive has ever seen. And they won't know what hit them. "
Our forecast was right on target. Few others saw the Panic coming. As former Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin declared (November 29, 2008,) "Nobody was prepared for this."
Mr. Rubin's statement was incorrect. We were prepared, and we prepared our Trends Journal ® subscribers.
Now, in our "Top Trends of 2009," we forecast "The Collapse of '09," which in turn will spiral into the "Greatest Depression" the worst economic conditions America has ever experienced.
That's not all. Beyond economics, 2009 will be a tumultuous year. Trends foreboding and trends promising:
The Collapse of '09: Markets will tumble and major businesses will fail.
The Greatest Depression: Worse than the1930's Depression. Why?
Revolution: What will be the spark that ignites it? Who will fire the shot heard around the world?
Obamarama: High hopes, broken promises: Some victories, major failures.
Economic Slim-Fast: Like it or not, Americans will go on a spending diet and food diet.
Bush Gardens: Lawns out, Edible Landscaping in. Why Bush Gardens?
Whole Health Healing: 2009 marks a year of "attitude change" for the on-trend health aware.
Little People Squeeze: Politicians will put the financial squeeze on the already squeezed.
Regenerative Medicine: The time is ripe for stem cells to come out of the laboratory and into the clinic.
That's Entertainment. Lifting spirits  and drinking them  will be big business and major pastimes during the Greatest Depression.
College Crash: Following the equity market meltdown, the real estate bust and the retail unraveling, comes the college crash.
Cheri Van Deusen
The Trends Research Institute
845.876.6700 Ext. 1