Thursday, 18 December 2008

Wednesday, 17th December 2008

The Loathsome Review of Bigotry


The rather splendid blogger at Venerable Beads is shocked to the core, as well he might be, by the astounding bias, bigotry and bile pullulating through the pages of the London Review of Books. In particular, he is struck by the obsessional and vicious hatred of... you guessed. In horror, he writes:

How terrible to think of the number of people that lap this stuff up without query or complaint... Adam Shatz gets half a page to rubbish the documentary Obsession, a scrupulously fair warning against the march of Islamist fascism, and manages to come up with nothing that disproves a single one of its assertions or discredits any of its aims, other than the apparently sufficient in itself point that it was financed by Jews and backed by ‘the real estate magnate Sheldon Adelson, who describes


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