Wednesday, 3 December 2008

Wednesday, 3rd December 2008

A curious inconsistency


The excellent Joshua Rozenberg*, who is a pearl without price at the Telegraph, has spotted a curious inconsistency in police statements in the Damian Green imbroglio:

Last Thursday's statement by Scotland Yard implied that they had been granted four search warrants. After saying that a 52-year-old man had been arrested in connection with alleged offences of misconduct in public office, the statement continued: ‘Search warrants have been executed at a residential address in Kent; a residential address in west London; a business premises in Kent; a business premises in central London’. Those ‘business premises in central London’ can only have been the Houses of Parliament. Today, though, Scotland Yard's Acting Commissioner at made it clear at City Hall that only three warrants had been issued.

There was no warrant for the search of Green’s Parliamentary office....

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Histrionics, not history


Obviously I don’t know what the Speaker will say later today about the Damian Green affair. But the unease I have felt from the start about the reaction to the police raid on Green’s home and Parliamentary office finally boiled over when the Tories released the video of the police searching his office. From the start, this drama has been presented as the biggest threat to Parliament since Charles I confronted Speaker Lenthall. But the implication that Green’s assistant, who was shown being politely asked to end the use of the camera, was some kind of dissident resisting the secret police as he was dragged off to the gulag is just pathetic. Releasing the video was the kind of response you would expect from members of a student union, not a professed party of government. And all the...

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