Sunday, 18 January 2009

Duly Noted: Keeping the Non-Existent Peace

George Handlery about the week that was. Radicalizing majorities. If criminality is a life style, is enforcing the laws racism? The right to total war and the obligation of a limited response. Needed: The courage to win. Terrorism is about ultimate subjugation not about compromise settlements. Back to the oven?
1. One reads, “Israel has lost the propaganda war” over Gaza, “sequel ‚X’”. True. However, the judgment has little to do with Israel’s responsibility and the quality of her crisis management. This defeat had been pre-programmed. That has everything to do with the proper response to the violence engaged in by a PC-protected group. (N.B. As this was written, an e-mail called attention to a poll conducted by a newscaster. On the site, one could click on the Israeli or the Palestinian flag to register their support. The score, when checked, was about 50:50.)

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Anti-Semitism Sweeps Europe in Wake of Gaza Operation

A second front to the conflict in the Gaza Strip has opened up in Europe, where a wave of reprisal attacks against Jewish targets is stoking fears of a wider resurgence of anti-Semitism on the continent. Far from simply being a spate of isolated incidents, as many Europeans claim, anti-Semitic violence is becoming more commonplace in every country in Europe. At the same time, anti-Israel demonstrations, which have strong anti-Semitic overtones, are being held with alarming frequency in cities across Europe.

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