From Meccania to Atlantis - Part 6: When The Music Stops

The sum of our fears
Question: What are these people doing in Europe? Who invited them? Who let them in? Who let them stay? What has allowed them to even dream about moving to Europe, let alone realizing a colonization plan?
In Great Britain alone, intelligence agencies are tracking 200 terrorists plots among Pakistani Brits, of whom some 2,000 are under observation. More than 400,000 Pakistani citizens of Great Britain travel every year to Pakistan – a country of 12,000 madrassas and, as of mid-2005, 55 terrorist training camps.
Obama: Elected on a French Platform

1. Many contend that there is something disproportional about Israel’s military’s operations in Gaza. The qualified “yes” of this writer might surprise the reader. However, the decisive disproportion involves the goals of the hostile parties and not their means to wage war. One of them wishes to wipe its foe off the map. The other would be content to be left alone and if its right to exist would not be questioned. It is a telling sign that putting it this way will anger some. It is also too bad that, regardless of the entirely different goals pursued, approval and condemnation is dished out while ignoring who wants to achieve what.