Polly Should Look at Her Bosses' Fat Cat Bonuses
The Tuscan redistributionist friend of the down-trodden, the three-house-owning, multi-millionairess toff, Polly Toynbee, is ranting against undeserved bonuses. With the colourful prose that earns her £117,000 basic (before book royalties, media fees and advances) she lays into the worth of "performance-related pay" and the bonus culture that sees loss making Northern Rock bosses get a 10% bonus.
The loss making Guardian's editor, Alan Rusbridger, got by on a total compensation package of a mere £544,000 up from £473,000 last year. A 15% increase as a reward for losing £26.4 million - no belt tightening for him. His boss, the Guardian Media Group chief executive, Carolyn McCall, was paid a package of £827,000, comprising a salary of £424,000, plus a bonus of £385,000 and benefits in kind of £18,000. An eye watering 90% bonus.
Handy having your friends, rather than shareholders, decide your pay isn't it? Guido has said it before and he will say it again, Polly merely dislikes the "wrong type" of rich people.
Incidentally, GMG have always been adept at using the Scott Trust and other dodges to minimise tax charges. Guido congratulates them on achieving an effective tax rate 4.99% last year. Remember that the next time Polly Toynbee calls for higher taxes and everyone to pay a fair share.
Sunday, 25 January 2009
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Britannia Radio