Wednesday, 11 February 2009

Biased BBC
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
David Vance #

HEAVENS ABOVE. I see the BBC report on the Church of England's decision to stop clergy from being members of the BNP provides an entirely one-sided analysis of the issue. To be clear; I have NO time whatsover for the BNP but I do accept they are a lawful political party. This clear discrimination against them does not meet with the approval of all Anglicans and it would have been nice for the BBC to provide space for those who take issue with this decision. Some people might equally think that a government which has abandoned our national borders, engaged in reckless economic policies, failed in its duty to our armed forces and prostrated itself to Islam is JUST as morally repugnant as the BNP. But the BBC would never consider that possibility or give space to those who might think it. The BNP is the great pariah party for the established political left and so when a decision like this is taken by the General Synod it is celebrated by the BBC.


Comments: 30 (unread) - Biased BBC Home


Happened to tune into File on Four on Radio 4 this evening. I was fascinated by what was presented by Lucy Ash as "a behind-the-scenes role played by Egypt and its President Hosni Mubarak in the latest crisis in Gaza." I don't think I have ever heard the malignant Muslim Brotherhood get such a sympathetic hearing as the usual pro-Hamas angle was taken - this time with the Egyptians getting it in the neck from the Palestinian shills at the BBC.


Comments: 0 - Biased BBC Home

David Vance #


Wondered if you caught this little gem of the BBC entirely sanitising thevery idea that Home Secretary Jacqui Smith has been caught with her snout in the trough of tax-payer funded largesse? Tory sleaze was one thing but Labour sleaze....? Today really is the Toady programme for its' Nulabour masters


Comments: 47 (unread) - Biased BBC Home

David Vance #


Well then, today Israel goes to the polsl and the BBC nightmare of a Likud win draws closer by the hour. If you want a laugh, read their live coverage of events here. We have charmers such as Lyse Douchet andWyre Davies expressing surprise that instead of a lacklustre turnout, we could see a record turn-out. Who would have imagined that then? I see several BBC pundits trying to spin things for a surprise Kadima win - we'll see. One thing is for certain, if Netanyahu does manage to win - he will become the new international hate figure now that Bush is gone and you can be sure the BBC will try to undermine him from the start. Given BBC visceral hatred towards Israel, manifest in Abu Bowen's latest propaganda last night on BBC1 as blogged by Sue, there really is a case for banning the BBC from Israel since it actively seeks to undermine this beacon of democracy in the sea of surrounding Arab darkness.