Wednesday, 11 February 2009

The British Authorities Surrendering to Extremism

The British government is currently preparing to accept Guantanamo Bay detainees from the US authorities. It has consistently failed to deport known terrorists and promoters of jihad against the West, and against Britain. And Britain’s intelligence service has identified 2,000 terrorist suspects inside the country. However, such men apparently pose a far lower security risk than that of the cultured, mild-mannered, coiffed, Dutch politician Geert Wilders, who has been informed that he will likely be refused entry to the UK should he try. 
letter signed Irving N. Jones, on behalf of the Secretary of State for the Home Department, declares that the Dutch politician’s “[…] presence in the UK would pose a genuine, present and sufficiently serious threat to one of the fundamental interests of society.” It is of course what Jones calls Wilders’ “statements about Muslims and their beliefs” in Fitna and elsewhere that has the authorities so afraid that they have barred Wilders from entering the country.  
As we are no doubt aware, Wilders does not attack Muslims, but rightly attacks the ideology of jihad, that is on the rise around the world, and that fuels terrorism, so-called “honor killing” and “honor violence,” ritual beheading, and other acts of barbarity. And it is clear from Jones’ letter that the government also fears Muslims will act out in such a way as to “threaten community harmony and therefore public security” (i.e., violently), because Wilders has criticized, and, yes, condemned, some “beliefs.”  
But imagine if Churchill, and all those who opposed Nazism in the 1930s, had been silenced due to threats of violence from Britain’s black shirts, and authorities that conspired against those who spoke for freedom, claiming that they were against “Germans.” Fascism, we should have no doubt, would have prevailed.  
Then consider this: a few days ago, The Telegraph revealed that nearly half of all CIA operations – aimed at protecting the US from another 9/11 – are now conducted inside Britain. The CIA has informed president Obama that the most likely source of a terrorist attack on the US is “British-born Pakistani extremist[s]” traveling to the US from the UK.  
So you see why the Home department is afraid that the mere presence of Wilders “pose[s] a genuine, present and sufficiently serious threat” to Britain’s “public security.”  
Islamo-fascism is on the rise. We either will or will not speak up in defense of Wilders. And we either will or will not speak up in defense of freedom. But, make no mistake, what we do, or do not do, will determine whether we live in freedom or under tyranny.  
It is, as Wilders says, one minute to midnight.