Sunday, 1 February 2009

Britannia Radio
By Britannia Radio
Under the EU Savings Directive all UK resident private individuals with assets in Jersey are subject to either full information exchange with UK tax authorities or withholding tax. Furthermore, whilst Jersey adheres firmly to the . ...
Britannia Radio -
Cannabis in France - 420 Magazine
The commission not only declared itself being in favour of the depenalization of cannabis use, but after a trial period of two years, the commission calls for the regulation of the retail of cannabis, which implies in fact legalization. ...
420 Magazine -

Birdlife launches billboards against trapping - GozoNews.Com
Trapping is illegal in the EU under the Birds Directive. The trapping of birds using clap nets and live decoys is a very effective method to catch wild birds. It can have serious repercussions on local breeding populations of the target ...
GozoNews.Com -