Saturday, 7 February 2009

John Loeffler Steel on Steel;Economic and Energy Crisi; Gun Control; Darwin.

Darwin's 200th Birthday

Hey gang! February 10th this week John & Carol celebrate their 30th wedding anniversary -- doing radio and TV and offspring production together for thirty years.

John kicks off the show with an extended overview of the congressional economic recovery proposals, the status of the entire financial storm and a close-to-the-edge cameo appearance by trends forecaster Gerald Celente (

Then fund manager and geologist Zapata George Blake ( checks to see if the emerging energy storm is still on track. Zapata's report indicates world demand continues to increase against limited supply and it's only time before this hits the markets.

Then Larry Pratt from Gun Owners of America ( appears for a report on proposed draconian gun control legislation as well as court actions underway, which affect the right to bear arms.

Finally, February 12 marks the 200th anniversary of the birth of Charles Darwin. Science magazines are publishing glowing reports of evolutionary theory and how well it works, except they admit we don't have a clue how life started chemically nor who (or what) the common ancestor to man and apes was. Oh well, just minor problems to a "proven" theory. Jonathan Wells is author of "The Politically Incorrect Guide to Darwinism" guests.