Wednesday, 25 February 2009

eu reform treaty

Irish minister says No to EU treaty has deepened slump and cost jobs - UK
Ireland's rejection of the EU Lisbon reform treaty has cost the country jobs and compounded the recession, according to Europe minister Dick Roche. ...
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Euro-zone seeks new ways to stem crisis
International Herald Tribune - France
Governments and the ECB are bound by the Maastricht treaty that bans bailouts between nations. That could only be changed with a unanimous vote from the 27 ...
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Fiddling while eastern Europe burns - UK
The EU, which acted as an anchor for reform, has lost clout and credibility." In other words, faith in the vision of a Europe whole and free is in danger of ...
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If the Irish again reject Lisbon, the next urgent step must be to agree a separate EU treaty in security and defence between some but not all EU members. ...
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Czechs split on Lisbon treaty adoption - poll
Czech Happenings - Pragues,Czech Republic
Prague - The Czechs are not united in their opinions on whether parliament should ratify the Lisbon treaty to reform the EU functioning, the latest Factum ...
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Cultivating Peace and Security As A Means of Protecting Human ...
By innomawire
Draft Reform Treaty (Treaty of Lisbon amending the Treaty on European Union and the Treaty establishing the European Community) · International Bar Association Monitoring Report concerning the International Criminal Court ...
International Law Observer -
Banks await EU landmark report on supervision | Financial 24
The group headed by former Bank of France Governor, Jacques de Larosiere, was asked by the European Commission to suggest how to reform supervision found wanting in the credit crunch. ... Perhaps an intermediate solution might be the most realistic whereby the EU treaty change is prepared by an agency, with some normative powers, preparing the creation of a European institution, said Eddy Wymeersch, chairman of a committee that groups all national securities watchdogs in ...
Financial 24 - Top News - | Brussels Blog | European financial sector reforms must ...
By Tony Barber
The irony is that, now the prospect of total collapse has faded, the EU’s national governments feel less pressure to act as one and come up with a bold vision of regulatory reform. So we won’t have a single pan-European supervisor. ...
Brussels Blog -
What happened? « Entropic Bits
By functionaldelusions
What happened… is that the “Constitutional Treaty” became the “Reform Treaty”… On the 23rd of July 2007 EU mandarins will then study the “Reform Treaty” to subsequently use it as a base for another draft document with another name, ...
Entropic Bits -

The Anglo Saxon Chronicle: British Laws For British People
By Anoneumouse
EU Directives for the regulation of Royal Mail Directive 97/67/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 15 December 1997 (came into force in February 1998) Directive 2002/39/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of ...
The Anglo Saxon Chronicle -