Wednesday, 25 February 2009

Learning the Free Market Lessons about Bailouts
My first reaction, when I saw the article, was of utter horror. It was entitled, “Obama Imposes Pay Cap on Executives.” Obama intends to dictate salary caps to American executives of private companies. We should all be very frightened of a government that seeks such power. It’s pure communism. The only result of such a situation can be that corporate executives and CEOs become mere employees with no incentives to build the business and increase profits. When that happens, there is no business........
by Tom DeWeese

Illegitimacy and the GOP - From Dan Quayle to Sarah Palin
One of the biggest social problems facing contemporary American society is the skyrocketing illegitimacy rate. More and more babies are being born out of wedlock, and it’s become more socially acceptable. The overall illegitimacy rate is now approaching 40%. If you break it down racially, it’s about 25% among the white English-speaking majority, approaching 50% among Hispanics, and at a staggering 70% among Blacks........
by Allan Wall

America is not prepared for what’s coming
There’s certainly a lot of fear, uncertainty and confusion in our world today, isn’t there? Many of us are just downright scared; but few are prepared for what surely lies ahead. Recognizing storm clouds on the horizon really requires no discernment. Anyone with a TV can tell we’re in big trouble........
by Paul Proctor

Domestic Terrorists in Our Midst
The 2006 Justice Department document that exposes 35 terrorist training compounds in the U.S. was marked “Dissemination Restricted to Law Enforcement.” All the copies of Sheik Muburak Gilani’s terrorist training video, “Soldiers of Allah,” had been confiscated and sealed­all of them, except one…That one errant surviving copy landed with the.......
by Geoff Metcalf