Let's face it. It was one colossal, stubborn, "donkey" of a mistake for Americans to elect Barack Obama. These are humorous yet strong words. There comes a time when strong language is necessary to get people's attention. Makes a great collector's item—even if you're afraid to put this on your car! Help us send a message to Washington by ordering these bumper stickers and giving them to friends!
+ 8 More Stickers That Liberals Will Hate!O.B.A.M.A. One Big *** Mistake, America.Barack Obama is a Marxist and is opposed to the conservative values that made America great. His recent signing of the $787 Billion Stimulus Bill marked the end of America as we know it and the beginning of socialism on a national scale.
RETAIL $19.95 • 2-PACK ONLY $9.95 with FREE SHIPPING! • ORDER!Socialism is not a fancy term for hanging out with your friends. It's government sanctioned theft. The government cannot produce anything. It can only take from those who produce and give it to those who do not. Once the government has consumed all of the producer's resources, however, it will starve and collapse. Nobody wins. Socialism sounds great on paper. Until you run out of other people's money!
RETAIL $19.95 • 2-PACK ONLY $9.95 with FREE SHIPPING! • ORDER!Our Best-Selling Sticker Ever is now in a Larger Size! The Obama Administration campaigned on the promise of "Change." But what exactly do they mean by "Change?" They plan to take our guns away, give more power to the federal government, and raise our taxes. I'd rather keep my guns, freedom and money. You can keep the "change." Let your fellow Americans know where you stand by proudly displaying these 2 new bumper stickers!
RETAIL $19.95 • 2-PACK ONLY $9.95 with FREE SHIPPING! • ORDER!Instead of asking what they can do for their country, many Americans are asking what their country can do for them. John McCain didn't win the election, but he did put his country first. In fact, he put his very life on the line multiple times for our freedom. Let America know that you voted for a hero, not a handout.
RETAIL $19.95 • 2-PACK ONLY $9.95 with FREE SHIPPING! • ORDER!With the Left-wing Radical Democrats in power, our Second Amendment Rights are under serious attack. Send a message to Washington with this new bumper sticker. America needs Piece-Keepers to Keep the Piece!
RETAIL $19.95 • 2-PACK ONLY $9.95 with FREE SHIPPING! • ORDER!During the Bush Administration, "IMPEACH BUSH" stickers circulated around the country. We've had several requests from Patriot Depot customers to create an "IMPEACH OBAMA" sticker. Popular radio talk show host Michael Savage has called for the nation to start displaying these stickers as well. So, due to popular demand, here they are!
RETAIL $19.95 • 2-PACK ONLY $9.95 with FREE SHIPPING! • ORDER!The IRS. Three little letters that can strike fear into the heart of any hard-working American. Ultimately the only way to stimulate the US Economy is to reduce taxes on businesses, which will in turn allow them to hire more people. Employed people make better consumers. An increase in consumer confidence is what our ailing economy needs -- NOT THE IRS!
RETAIL $19.95 • 2-PACK ONLY $9.95 with FREE SHIPPING! • ORDER!If you're like most conservatives, you're sick and tired of Obama's Messianic propaganda. The federal government cannot and never will save us. "No King but King Jesus" was the motto of the Revolutionary War. God's already given us a Savior - one who paid the ultimate price for our eternal freedom. We need a President who will acknowledge the authority of Christ. God help us.
RETAIL $19.95 • 2-PACK ONLY $9.95 with FREE SHIPPING! • ORDER!Another popular sticker is now in a larger size!Conservatives may have been exiled until 2010, but we're letting everyone know that we've not been swept up by the big-government entitlement movement (disguised as "Change") that's claimed more than 50% of our beloved country.
RETAIL $19.95 • 2-PACK ONLY $9.95 with FREE SHIPPING! • ORDER!RETAIL $9.95 • (ONLY 99 cents included for shipping & handling!)
Friday, 27 February 2009
Friday, February 27, 2009
"O.B.A.M.A.: One Big *** Mistake, America."
Posted by
Britannia Radio