Readers would go on a hunger strike if I downloaded here all that is
in the press today about the complete breakdown of the government’s
policy for our crippled banking system. We started off with two
banks in deep trouble - HBOS and RBS. We now have the whole of our
banking system paralysed, with a workable bank (Lloyds] dragged by
Gordon Brown personally into a disaster, and all paralysed at
astronomical cost both now and for generations to come.
So I will for now - and in this posting - confine myself to one
paper and after its leading article today give the headlines on page
after page. The main section of the paper is dumbed down to avoid
the big news altogether and just deals with the pension scandal, but
it sure makes up for it in the Business section.
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx cs
TELEGRAPH (Leader) 27.2.09
Dirty tricks as Alistair Darling dozes at the wheel
If the leak about Sir Fred Goodwin's pension was a government idea,
it has backfired.
Telegraph View
The leaking late on Wednesday night of the details of Sir Fred
Goodwin's £693,000 annual pension from RBS, the bank he led to the
biggest corporate loss in British history, has the grubby hallmark of
a Labour dirty tricks operation. It was guaranteed to provoke outrage
from a public already sick to death of the excesses of the bankers
who have landed us in the mire. As the hapless Sir Fred took his turn
in the stocks, perhaps the true scale of the Government's failure to
resolve the banking crisis – as evidenced by yesterday's second bank
recapitalisation – would get lost amid the sound and fury. [I
suggested this yesterday when I questioned the authenticity and
motivation of the BBC’s Robert Peston’s inspired leaks -cs]
If that was the plan, it backfired. For the Goodwin pension debacle
has served once again to expose the seemingly fathomless depths of
Treasury cack-handedness. Alistair Darling said that the first he
knew of the size of the Goodwin pension package was last week. Yet
Stephen Hester, the new RBS chief executive, revealed that the
pension was agreed last autumn between the bank's old board and the
Government. Either Mr Darling is not telling the truth – and no one
believes the Chancellor to be a dishonest man – or he has been
stunningly incompetent. The fate of RBS was the biggest file in his
in-tray. The idea that he failed to check the precise details of such
an incendiary item as Sir Fred's pay-off details is jaw-dropping.
Once again, the Chancellor of the Exchequer gives every impression of
dozing at the wheel. Blaming underlings is no answer; the buck stops
with him. So what confidence can we have in him when he stands up in
the Commons, as he did yesterday, and unveils an Asset Protection
Scheme involving sums of taxpayers' money that are beyond computing
for most mere mortals? This is the last shot in the locker and has to
work. But will it? Remember Mr Darling's words at the time of the
first recapitalisation last October? He said the gigantic injection
of public money into the banking sector would "get lending started
again". It has not. And it would take the most enormous leap of faith
to expect the latest bail-out to be any more effective.
In the past couple of days Lord Turner, chairman of the Financial
Services Authority, and Mervyn King, the Governor of the Bank of
England, have used appearances before the Treasury Select Committee
to castigate the Government for the "hands off" approach it took to
banking regulation while the credit bubble was inflating. Has the
Treasury been any more diligent when crafting its latest,
stupendously expensive rescue attempt?
Regrettably, under its present leadership, we cannot be confident
that it has.
1. Treasury approved £700,000 pension . says ‘Fred the Shred’
- Brown and Darling are accused of breathtaking incompetence
4-5. How much did Brown and Darling know of Sir Fred’s £17m deal?
-Shares in ‘phantom ‘ chancellor fall to new low
- PM did run up too much debt, says King
21. A giant bonus for foes of capitalism
22. Indiscipline, chaos and decay: this is how governments die.
23. (Leading article as above)
B1. Taxpayer will own 95% of RBS. Bank to place £325 bn of assets on
government’s insurance scheme
- State facing £50bn for RBS toxic debt
- Whistleblower says HBOS chief given riski warnings
B3. Excessive interference on lending could land RBS with more toxic
- “RBS and Lloyds nationalised in all but name” - Bank governor
tells MPs
- Default rate ‘will exceed peaks hit in depression’ [1930s].
Credit expert predicts economic implosion.
- RBS pledge to lend £25bn more this year welcomed/
B5. Dumping bad debts comes with few conditions. Insurance for toxic
assets is generous to a fault - for banks
[BUT That’s not all, as the web is continually updated so here are
at lunchtime the main headlines from the same paper! ]
WEB HEADLINES (excluding any above!)
Prescott: Ministers must answer for Goodwin row
Former Labour deputy prime minister John Prescott says British
government has questions to answer over the £693,000-a-year pension
paid to Sir Fred Goodwin.
Lloyds shares drop after £10.8bn HBOS loss
Lloyds Banking Group shares fell after the bank confirmed it plans to
dump toxic loans in Government's asset protection scheme.
House prices fall to 'lowest level on record'
Annual house prices have shrunk to a record low, according to Land
Registry figures.
Lloyds shares drop, fails to agree asset protection
Lloyds shares fell after the bank confirmed it's in "advanced" talks
to dump toxic loans in the Government's asset protection scheme, but
failed to reach agreement on the terms
Sir Fred Goodwin refuses to return pension
Sir Fred Goodwin has refused to return his £693,000 pension from
Royal Bank of Scotland and claims a minister approved the deal.
Friday, 27 February 2009
Posted by
Britannia Radio