It's Time to Break up the Big Banks Nationalization: It's Not Scary, It's All Around You A Planet at the Brink How Can U.S. Recover Without Manufacturing Capacity?
By Mike Whitney
Timothy Geithner is putting the finishing touches on a plan that will dump $1 trillion of toxic assets onto the US taxpayer. Continue
By David Sirota
Amidst the punditocracy's handwringing about the supposedly unprecedented possibility of nationalization in America, Paul Krugman this week reminded his New York Times readers that nationalization is "as American as apple pie." Continue
Will Economic Brushfires Prove Too Virulent to Contain?
By Michael T. Klare
The global economic meltdown has already caused bank failures, bankruptcies, plant closings, and foreclosures and will, in the coming year, leave many tens of millions unemployed across the planet. But another perilous consequence of the crash of 2008 has only recently made its appearance: increased civil unrest and ethnic strife. Someday, perhaps, war may follow.Continue
By Glen Ford
"You can't put people to work in American factories that don't exist." Continue
Wednesday, 25 February 2009
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Britannia Radio