Without getting into the substance of this argument (except to note, en passant, that co-ordinated and abusive emails are hardly confined to the pro-Israel side of this debate) I merely ask one question: what have the Arab/Israel impasse and Israel’s military strategy towards the Palestinians got to do with the practice of medicine? How very sad that David Cameron's six year-old disabled son Ivan has died. Like so many, I was touched and moved by the devoted way in which the Camerons cared for Ivan. Now that poignant and short life has ended, and we must feel for them all at this difficult time.Wednesday, 25th February 2009
Proxy-Activist Stress Syndrome?
There is a big row going on between the British Medical Journal and Honest Reporting over the BMJ’s claims – detailed in no fewer than five pieces in the current issue – that Honest Reporting sponsored a mass lobbying campaign of hostile and often abusive emails in response to the Journal’s criticisms of Israeli policy.Condolences
Wednesday, 25 February 2009
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Britannia Radio