Monday, 23 February 2009

Monday, 23 February 2009


We are now fast heading for the eye of the storm that has been planned for so long to enslave the global population in a centralised tyranny. But we don't have to accept it or acquiesce to it, meekly looking on as the walls of control close in by the day.

But that is what is happening and it has to stop. For everyone's sake, it has to stop.

We can come together, we MUST come together, putting aside the fault-lines of race, religion, culture and income bracket. These are just illusory labels through which we are divided and therefore ruled. Believe in them if you wish, and enjoy them if they make you happy, but don't let them divide us any longer.

We need to come together in mutual support at this time as those with sick minds and closed hearts are poised to throw everything at us to complete their agenda for total control. 

Whether their insanity prevails is not in their hands, but in ours. It is we who have the power if only we would choose to use it. 

We are One Consciousness deluded into thinking we are 'little me'. When we realise that we are all One - and act upon that with courage, love, kindness, peace and empathy for all who need support - the walls of oppression must fall.

But sitting on your arse hoping it will all go away is no longer an option. It never was.

Monday, 23 February 2009

Police Braced for 'Summer of Rage'

'Superintendent David Hartshorn, who heads the Metropolitan Police's public order branch, said he feared there could be "mass protest" at rising unemployment, failing financial institutions and the downturn in the economy. He said that "known activists" were planning returns to the streets, and intelligence revealed that they may be able to call on more protesters than normal due to the unprecedented conditions.'


Monday, 23 February 2009

UK Agents 'Colluded With Torture in Pakistan'

'A shocking new report alleges widespread complicity between British security agents and their Pakistani counterparts who have routinely engaged in the torture of suspects. In the study, which will be published next month by the civil liberties group Human Rights Watch, at least 10 Britons are identified who have been allegedly tortured in Pakistan and subsequently questioned by UK intelligence officials.

It warns that more British cases may surface and that the issue of Pakistani terrorism suspects interrogated by British agents is likely to "run much deeper".'


Monday, 23 February 2009

Oops. We Overlooked 193,000 Square Miles of Ice

'In May, 2008, the National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) predicted that the North Pole would be ice-free during the 2008 melt season because of 'global warming.' Today, they admitted that they've underreported Arctic ice extent by 193,000 square miles (500,000 square kilometers). They blamed the error on satellite problems and sensor drift.'


Monday, 23 February 2009

Homes of Minnesota Politicians Vandalized for Supporting the Fraudulent Banker Bailout

'Six Minnesota politicians who each supported the fraudulent banker bailout, robbing the U.S. taxpayers of five trillion dollars got a wake up call Wednesday morning when they awoke to find spray painted warnings on the side of their homes and garages. Unknown persons spray painted: Scum, Criminal, Traitor, Fraud,  U R A Sellout, Psalms 2 and Resign on garage doors and the homes of Democrats and Republicans who supported the unpopular Wall Street Bailout sometime in the early morning hours of October 22nd.

In a bizarre twist of priorities the destruction of the U. S. economy and theft of trillions of dollars from generations of Americans is somehow insignificant compared to some minor vandalism on the homes of the gods.The incident is being called disturbing, threatening, hateful, and terrorism. Local, state and federal law enforcement has been called upon to investigate. Too bad the people can't get this level of response when Congress commits serious crimes against The Constitution.'


Brown Announces Another 500 Billion Pound Bank Bailout

'The Prime Minister is to unveil a series of key measures that will see the Government insure the 'toxic assets' of major lenders and pump around 14 billion pounds into the mortgage market through Northern Rock. On Thursday, the Treasury is expected to announce plans to form a "toxic bank", using taxpayers' money to insure 500 billion pounds of bad debt.

In addition, Mr Brown has signalled that he wants a return to more 'sober' banking practices, with a possible ban on 100 per cent mortgages to ensure people must save a deposit before buying a house.'



Extortion! The Real Reason for War and Depression

'At the end of the 19th Century, the Catholic church organized massive resistance to Illuminati Jewish domination of national life.  The Illuminati instigated World War One partly to crush and punish a recalcitrant Europe.

After WWI and WWII, the League of Nations and the UN both promised world government to prevent war. Indeed, Illuminati globalists always promise this--but we don't realize they are blackmailing us. They start the wars in the first place.'



David Icke On Australian Radio

David talks with Lia Ramses on Ghost Radio in Perth.

Click here to listen ...

Tickets are running out fast for David's all-day presentation in Melbourne on April 11th.

Click here for details ...


Now 'Police Chiefs PLC' Cashes In On Speeding Drivers


'Britain's most powerful policing organisation has set up a private company to cash in on its own orders to send speeding drivers on retraining courses. The Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO) has told all police forces that from April hundreds of thousands of motorists should be sent on Speed Awareness Schemes rather than receiving penalty points and fines.

At the same time it has set up a new company which will earn millions of pounds running the only database recording which motorists are eligible for 'retraining'.'