Sunday, February 22, 2009
On Target: China Confidential Gold/Silver Forecast
On January 27, China Confidential published its near-term forecast for gold--between $950 and $1,000 an ounce.
Silver, we said, could hit $14 an ounce.
We were right.
Gold climbed to an 11-month high in London on Friday, reaching $997 an ounce, the highest price since March 18.
Silver also gained. It rose rose as much as 3.8% to $14.57 an ounce, the highest since August. 14. The metal last traded at $14.56.Iranian Cargo Ships Could Nuke US Cities
Foreign Confidential....
Iran plans to deploy a fleet of foreign-flagged, seemingly civilian, cargo vessels capable of attacking U.S. coastal cities with nuclear-tipped missiles fired from concealed launching systems.
The ships will be Iran's answer to U.S. nuclear submarines, analysts say--a comparatively primitive but effective deterrent to possible attack on the Islamist nation by the U.S. or Israel.
North Korea has helped Iran to develop and test the so-called Scud-in-a-bucket technology, against which, there is no known defense.
Thousands of ships approach U.S. coastal waters daily; and 75% of the U.S. public lives within 200 miles of the nation's coastline. Cargo containers could be used to conceal ballistic missile launch pads.
Working with North Korea and Venezuela
Iran has also tested detonation of a warhead atop a Shahab-3 missile at altitude--a sign that the mullahocracy could be planning an Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) Attack, which would destroy all communication and computer systems and plunge the U.S. into the 19th century in a flash. Coordinated EMP attacks by Iranian and North Korean missiles could even neutralize U.S. missile systems, eliminating any chance of a U.S. counterattack.
At the same time, China Confidential has learned, Iran is working with Venezuela and, also, possibly, Communist Cuba, to develop unprecedented offensive terrorist capabilities in the Western Hemisphere, including potential biological warfare attacks on U.S. population centers.
Iran's Lebanese proxy, Hezbollah, has also been mobilized. The Islamist terrorist group is believed to be planning swarming-style assaults modeled after the recent Mumbai massacre. Counterterrorism experts say there are Hezbollah suicide squads in Venezuela and maybe, also, in Mexico, a North American country on the verge of collapse.
The United States is asleep at the switch. Direct diplomacy with Iran--a Hitlerian power bent on bringing about the physical destruction of both Israel and the U.S.--plays into the hands of the enemy. Instead of preventing war, direct diplomacy is doomed to make war--on Iranian terms--inevitable.
Iran and its allies--from North Korea to the Middle East to South America--see the U.S. as weak and vulnerable, a dying but still dangerous hegemon that can be neutralized, defeated, and actually destroyed.Russia-Iran Missile Defense Deal on Hold
Foreign Confidential....
Russia has reportedly frozen a pending sale to Iran of anti-missile defense systems.
Kommersant, a Russian newspaper, reported Feb. 18 that Anatoly Sedyukov, the Russian defense minister, informed his Iranian counterpart, Mostafa Mohammed Najjar, that the sale of the S-300 anti-aircraft missile systems would not go through at least until Russian President Dmitry Medvedev and U.S. President Barack Obama meet April 2 at a summit in London.
Israel has been pressing Russia not to make the sale, saying such a system could remove any inhibitions Iran might have about the possibilities of an Israeli strike aimed at disabling the Islamic Republic's suspected nuclear weapons program.
Russia has signed but not ratified an $800 million deal for five of the systems.
Russia is seeking guarantees from the new Obama administration that it will roll back the Bush administration's efforts to raise NATO's profile in Eastern Europe.
According to the Jerusalem Post, the S-300 missiles have a range of about 200 kilometers, about 125 miles, and can hit targets at altitudes of 27,000 meters, about 89,000 feet.
- JTASaturday, February 21, 2009
Netanyahu Determined to Stop Iran
Foreign Confidential....
Sources close to Israel's prospective Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, say he is firmly committed to stopping Iran's nuclear arms program--by any means necessary.
Netanyahu sees Iran--rather, the elimination or neutralization of the Iranian clerical fascist regime--as the key to Middle East peace, sources say. He believes that once Iran is taken out of the mix, its Islamist proxies, Hezbollah and Hamas, and secular ally, Syria, will fall into line or fold.
Monday, 23 February 2009
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Britannia Radio