In Defence of Some Banker's Bonuses
If the mortgage traders and derivatives traders have lost billions for an investment bank and the stock brokers and commodity traders have made millions, than why should the winning traders be punished for the losses of the losing traders? Are politicians now in favour of some form of collective punishment?
Do any of the politicians currently bashing the bankers really think banks can break contracts with traders just because politicians says so? The banks would be sued in court and lose. Cameron says "it is insulting to take money from taxpayers to use for their bonuses" - the taxpayer would be worse off if the profitable traders left and reduced the banks future profitability or, worse still, sued. He should know better, he probably does, yet he is just reflecting populist rage. Not his finest moment of leadership.
UPDATE : Given the state of the economy for which they are responible, presumably Hector Sants of the FSA, Mervyn King of the Bank of England and the numerous Treasury mandarins who monitor our economic well being will forgo the millions in bonuses due to be to be paid to them this year? Go on set an example, Gordon has it in his power to order it so.
Anti-Corruption Group Calls for Investigation of Jacqui Smith
The Centre for Open Politics has written to the Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards making a formal complaint regarding Jacqui Smith's expense fiddles:
Jacqui Smith Complaint to Parliamentary Standards CommissionerJacqui Smith Complaint to Parliamentary Standards Commissioner Interesting dilemma: if there is any question of a police investigation of her "Obtaining by Deception" under the Fraud Act, she would have to resign as Home Secretary.