Today’s Observer carries a report that Jew-hatred attacks in Britain are now running at such a level the police have drafted in extra patrols and British Jews are beginning to emigrate. I have previously reported here on the menacing atmosphere in which British Jews are currently living, as a result of the malevolent misrepresentation of Israel’s actions in Gaza by Britain’s media and intelligentsia which are pumping out mind-twisting and ultimately genocidal Arab propaganda as unchallengeable truths. The Royal Court theatre in London is now adding fuel to that Jew-hatred by staging a ten-minute blood-libel written by Caryl Churchill. A copy of this text has now reached me (and it has also reachedHarry’s Place. Please bear in mind that what is actually being performed on stage may be slightly different.) Ostensibly about Israel, it is actually a direct attack on the Jews. It tells them in effect that they are to be held responsible for the fact that in Israel Jews have turned into Nazis. Indeed, the title ‘Seven Jewish children’ makes that explicit. (In the typescript I have, the word ‘jews’ is presented in lower case throughout while Arabs, God, Jerusalem and Hamas get capital letters). There are seven scenes in which notional adults are said to be explaining to seven Jewish children, in an oblique fashion, seminal episodes in modern Jewish and Israeli history – the Holocaust, its aftermath in Europe, the creation of the State of Israel, the Six-Day War, the Second Intifada and operation Cast Lead in Gaza. The underlying message is that the Jews who started out as victims of the Nazis – when they were Good, apparently, because they were Victims and even better were Dead Victims – then claimed the land of Israel out of a sense of their own superiority, dispossessed its rightful Arab inhabitants and ever since have set about killing them out of instincts of rapacious colonialism, hatred and blood-lust. There is of course no acknowledgement of Jewish history before the Holocaust. No acknowledgement of the unique and historic Jewish claim to the land of Israel, which led the great powers in 1920 to commit themselves to re-establishing within it the Jewish national home. Instead: Tell her, of course tell her, tell her everyone was driven out and the country is waiting for us to come home Tell her of course she likes it here but she’ll like it there even more. No but dont tell her her great great grandfather used to live in this house No mention of the fact that in the vast majority of cases until that point, those formerly Arab houses subsequently inhabited by Jews had been sold to them, legally and openly, by largely absentee Arab landlords. No acknowledgement of the fact that – as some Arabs have candidly admitted – the reason why Arabs no longer slept in some of those bedrooms after 1948 was that they were told by the Arab states to leave their homes while the Arab armies destroyed the State of Israel at birth. Don’t tell her she can’t play with the children From the fifth scene, apparently about the Six-Day War, this evil travesty steadily ratchets up the scale of the lies and the consequent incitement to hatred. Tell her we won No acknowledgement that the Six-Day War was a defensive war. No acknowledgement that, after it was over, Israel offered to return virtually all the territories it had conquered in return for peace – an offer rejected in August 1967 at Khartoum, where the Arab leaders issued their ‘three noes’ response: no peace with Israel, no negotiation with Israel, and no recognition of Israel. Instead, the wicked suggestion that Israel was not the prospective victim of annihilation but the aggressor. And of course, no mention that the occupation has ended in Gaza – and the outcome has been more than 6000 Arab rockets fired at Jewish families in order to kill them. And so it follows that ‘the occupation’ is presented as the big lie: a regime of unbridled aggression and malice by the Jews towards the Arabs. Dont tell her the trouble about the swimming pool No acknowledgement of the aid and facilities provided by the Jews to the Arabs in the West Bank and Gaza, even while their inhabitants are trying to commit human bomb attacks or firing rockets against Jews; instead the lie that the Jews are maliciously depriving the Arabs of the means to sustain life. No acknowledgement that house demolition (taught to the Jews by the British as an anti-Arab terror tactic) is used against terrorists who use their houses as bomb factories and its purpose is solely as a deterrent against terrorism; instead the lie that the Jews are maliciously destroying Arab homes. No acknowledgement that the checkpoints exist solely because of Arab murder attacks against Jews; instead the lie that the Jews are gratuitously causing hardship to the Arabs. And then, more disgustingly still, the suggestion that the Jews kill and persecute the Arabs out of some kind of strutting power complex, and that while they pay lip-service to peace they idle away their time in their swimming pools. Thus the Jewish state, desperate for peace and institutionally traumatised from six decades of exterminatory attrition directed at it solely for the crime of existing, has its victimisation not only erased but turned against it in a systematic inversion of truth and lies. Thus the stage is now set for the spigot of hatred against the Jews to be fully opened in the seventh and final scene: Tell her the Hamas fighters have been killed Tell her, tell her about the army, tell her to be proud of the army. Tell her about the family of dead girls, tell her their names why not, tell her the whole world knows why shouldnt she know? tell her there’s dead babies, did she see babies? Tell her she’s got nothing to be ashamed of. Tell her they did it to themselves. Tell her they want their children killed to make people sorry for them, tell her I’m not sorry for them, tell her not to be sorry for them, tell her we’re the ones to be sorry for, tell her they can’t talk suffering to us. Tell her we’re the iron fist now, tell her it’s the fog of war, tell her we won’t stop killing them till we’re safe, tell her I laughed when I saw the dead policeman, tell her I wouldn’t care if we wiped them out, the world would hate us is the only thing, tell her I don’t care if the world hates us, tell her we’re better haters, tell her we’re chosen people, tell her I look at one of their children covered in blood and what do I feel? Tell her all I feel is happy it’s not her. So here we have the blood libel finally out in the open. With no acknowledgement of Israel’s claim that the vast majority killed in Gaza were male terrorists, and with the suggestion that the Jews are lying when they say that Hamas used their own children as bomb fodder, the inflammatory focus instead is solely upon dead babies. The Jews are presented as literally dehumanised, with the claim that they feel no pity or sorrow for the babies they have killed because they assert they have a monopoly on suffering; indeed, they supposedly laugh at those they have killed. And the portrayal of Jews as not only monstrous child-killers but ‘better haters’ because they are the ‘chosen people’ is straight out of the hallucinatory lexicons of medieval Jew-hatred. This is an open vilification of the Jewish people, not merely repeatedly perpetrating incendiary lies about Israel but demonstrably and openly drawing upon an atavistic hatred of the Jews. It is sickening and dreadful beyond measure that the Royal Court theatre is staging this. It is not a contribution to a necessarily polarised and emotional debate. It is open incitement to hatred. In the Middle Ages, ‘mystery plays’ which portrayed the Jews as the demonic killers of Christ helped fuel the murderous pogroms against the Jews of Europe. With this piece by Caryl Churchill, the Royal Court is staging a modern ‘mystery play’. It is a despicable act. Blogs: Martin Bright | Clive Davis | Alex Massie | Melanie Phillips | Americano | Coffee House | Faith Based | Trading Floor Actions: Print this article | Email to a friend | Permalink | Comments (66) Post this entry to: | Digg | Newsvine | NowPublic | RedditThe Royal Court's Mystery Play
Holocaust, as Churchill suggests, but from the late 19th century onwards -- and who were bringing new prosperity with them.
Tell her her brother’s a hero
Tell her how the tanks rolled in
Tell her how big their armies are
Tell her we turned them back
Tell her we’re fighters
Tell her we’ve got new land
Tell her it’s our water, we have the right
Tell her it’s not the water for their fields...
Dont tell her not to look at the bulldozer
Dont tell her it was knocking the house down
Tell her it’s a building site...
Dont tell her about the queues at the checkpoint...
Dont tell her they throw stones
Tell her they’re not much good against tanks
Dont tell her that
Dont tell her they set off bombs in cafes
Tell her, tell her they set off bombs in cafes...
Tell her they want to drive us into the sea
Tell her we kill far more of them...
Tell her we’re stronger
Tell her we’re entitled
Tell her they don’t understand anything except violence
Tell her we want peace
Tell her we’re going swimming
Monday, 9 February 2009
Dont tell her she doesn’t belong here
Tell her it’s an adventure
Tell her no-one will tease her
Tell her she’ll have new friends
Tell her she can take her toys
Tell her she’s a special girl
Tell her about Jerusalem.
Note that ‘special’. It’s still the giveaway, isn’t it -- the old, old resentment at ‘the chosen people’. That’s the only reason, apparently, why the Jews feel entitled to claim this land and dispossess its ‘rightful’ inhabitants:
Tell her this wasn’t their home...
Don’t tell her who used to live in this house
No but dont tell her Arabs used to sleep in the bedroom
No acknowledgement – indeed, apparently a denial even – of the fact that Jews did indeed maintain an unbroken inhabitation of pre-Israel Palestine, with a Jewish majority in Jerusalem from the mid-nineteenth century onwards. No acknowledgement that many of the Arabs living in Israel when the State was established in 1948 had only arrived there in the preceding decades on the back of the Jewish immigrants -- who had started to arrive not after the
Don’t tell her she can have them in the house...
No acknowledgement of the equal civil and political rights for Arabs within Israel. No acknowledgement of the fact that there are Arab members of the Knesset, Arab students in Israeli universities and Arabs – including those from Gaza -- receiving equal treatment in Israeli hospitals. Instead, the big lie of institutionalised Jewish prejudice.
Tell her again this is our promised land
Don’t tell her they said it was a land without people
But no-one ever did say this. What was said was ‘a people without a land for a land without a people’. The indefinite article is crucial. No-one ever denied there were people in the (sparsely populated) land when the Jews started to return at the end of the nineteenth century. No-one ever denied the majority of those were Arabs. But these Arabs were not a people particular to Palestine. They had no specific Palestinian nationality, culture, language or religion – because there wasn’t one. They regarded themselves variously as belonging to a generic Arab people, or to Syria or Egypt or from wherever they came in later years. Indeed, ‘Palestinian’ was the adjective then applied to the Jews who were living there. It was the Jews who were a people who were without a land. The Arabs of Palestine were not a people. That’s why the saying sometimes took the form: ‘a nation without a land for a land without a nation’.
Tell her they’re terrorists
Tell her they’re filth...
Tell her we killed the babies by mistake
Don’t tell her anything about the army
Posted by
Britannia Radio
February 8th, 2009 2:06pmNo surprise that the first act not only fails to mention the 19th C. Jewish majority in Jerusalem, it also fails to mention that the majority of Israelis are actually from (or the descendents of Jews from) Arab lands. More Jews were kicked out of Arab lands post-48 than Palestinian Arabs fled from Israel. Another "incovenient truth".
Miranda Rose Smith
February 8th, 2009 2:09pmThe mystery plays were better, deicide charge or no. They contained some wonderful, irreverant bawdy humor. They didn't take themselves too seriously. The fact that this kind of play gets put on is further proof of something I have long suspected: A lot of people are faking when they pretend to be moved by Anne Frank, may the al-mighty avenge her blood. They have no sympathy for Jews who want to stay alive, and, since Anne Frank was a Jew who wanted to stay alive,Q.E.D., they have no sympathy for her. Notice please that Caryl Churchill knows she can write what she pleases about the Jews, without fearing for her life or being put on trial for hate speech. You can tell any lie you feel like about Jews, but don't try to tell the truth about Moslems, as Geert Wilders, Theo van Gogh, may the al-mighty avenge his blood, Brigette Bardot, and Salmon Rushdie have all found out. Ask Sherry Jones, author of The Jewel of Medina, what happens when you write a bodice-ripper that has Mohammed as a character. Doesn't Caryl Churchill, who obviously dreams of Israel's destruction, realize that, as I've said before, England is one of the next countries on the Islamofascist hit list? Does she want to live in a country run by militant Islamic fanatics? Does she know how women are treated in such countries?
February 8th, 2009 2:47pm"It is a despicable act."
"Evil" is a more accurate description.
Miranda Rose Smith
February 8th, 2009 3:41pmNotice how Ms. Churchill keeps saying "Don't tell her, Don't tell her." That's projection. Ms. Churchill knows all the things she's not telling the audience.
February 8th, 2009 3:46pmAll the more shocking given this is receiving next to no coverage from the BBC (what a surprise).
A Scottish Lib Dem MSP called Hugh O’Donnell launched a hate fuelled tirade against Israel in the Scottish Parliament on 8th January. Joseph Goebbels himself could scarcely have done a better job. I was not the only one who noticed; there was an excellent article in the telegraph over the sordid and shameful affair.
When I complained to the Liberal Democrats, an ex lib dem councillor and local activist Dr Richard B Speirs retorted (in writing) “Were you rubbing your hand with glee at the sight of all these women and children being killed and maimed in Gaza?”
Obviously, no, I was not.
I never thought I’d see Nazi sympathies alive and well in a UK mainstream political party, let alone hear them in a UK parliament. But that’s exactly what we have. When irrational, illogical downright hatred of this small nation of only 7 million people, called Israel, is condoned and encouraged by a mainstream UK political party, is it any wonder Jews are being attacked on the streets of Britain?
February 8th, 2009 3:48pmWell, I’m not surprised given that it’s written by Caryl Churchill. This is the woman who wrote an anti-Bush play with a homosexual, levitating sofa as a stage metaphor.
As with that silly metaphor, this new play of her also seems to have a complete disconnection from reality. Unable to deal with the facts, the spiteful Churchill simply puts words into Israel’s mouth, because the words that come out of Hamas’ mouth expose Ms Churchill for what she is.
There may be some re-writes before the curtain goes up, but you can bet you’re bottom dollar they won‘t include facts like this:
‘Tell her this is what Hamas said: "Allah has chosen you for Himself and for His religion, so that you will serve as the engine pulling this nation to the phase of succession, security, and consolidation of power, and even to conquests thorough da'wa and military conquests of the capitals of the entire world.
‘"Very soon, Allah willing, Rome will be conquered, just like Constantinople was, as was prophesised by our Prophet Muhammad. Today, Rome is the capital of the Catholics, or the Crusader capital, which has declared its hostility to Islam, and has planted the brothers of apes and pigs in Palestine in order to prevent the reawakening of Islam – this capital of theirs will be an advanced post for the Islamic conquests, which will spread through Europe in its entirety, and then will turn to the two Americas, and even Eastern Europe.
‘"I believe that our children or our grandchildren will inherit our jihad and our sacrifices, and Allah willing, the commanders of the conquest will come from among them. Today, we instil these good tidings in their souls, and by means of the mosques and The Koran books, and the history of our prophets, his companions, and the great leaders, we prepare them for the mission of saving humanity from the hellfire on the brink of which they stand."‘ (Hamas MP Yunis Al-Astral aired on Al-Aqsa TV on April 11, 2008)
‘Tell her the Hamas Charter contains such niceties as: "O Muslim! there is a Jew hiding behind me, come on and kill him!"‘
No wonder Caryl Churchill has retreated into pure fiction.
Richard Lawson
February 8th, 2009 3:51pmMelanie, you say these horrible threats against British Jews are the "result of the malevolent misrepresentation of Israel’s actions in Gaza by Britain’s media and intelligentsia".
Do you mean absolutely and completely and only the result of misrepresentation? Is it impossible in your view that a kill ratio of 100:1 could have anything to do with the upsurge in anger that we are seeing after Cast Lead?
February 8th, 2009 4:02pmWhat are these twisted people trying to achieve?!
I'm not Jewish, not Israeli -- but I feel sick after reading this.
I don't know what to say or do anymore...
Maurice MD
February 8th, 2009 4:12pmThe report in the Observor cited in this article attributes planned emigration of Jews entirely to fear.
I suggest there could be more than a little disgust as well.
Disgust at the lack of public reaction to the assaults on the Jews, who have been loyal and productive Britons for some 350 years now.
Yes, the police patrols have been stepped up. The Communities Minister expresses her "deep concern".
That's it? If Britain is too decayed to produce any more of a response than that, then the Jews should indeed leave -- in disgust.
February 8th, 2009 4:27pmthis woman is a patron of the Palestinian solidarity campaign ,so its understandable that she would write it ,but I must ask two questions ,why is it allowed on stage? and why does the cast include - Ben Caplan, Jack Chissick, David Horovitch, Daisy Lewis, Ruth Posner, Samuel Roukin, Jennie Stoller, Susannah Wise, Alexis Zegerman..many obviously jewish names? -it is very strange -anybody know?
Alex Bensky
February 8th, 2009 5:12pmIf it's not an actual blood libel it's as close as makes no never-mind. It also won't do much for Caryl Churchill's literary reputation because, to paraphrase jack Kerouac on Allen Ginsberg, it's more typing that actual writing.
On another thread many of the commentators tell people to calm down, the streets aren't going to be filled with howling mobs. Perhaps not, but the signs aren't good.
This is reason number 2,592 why I have long since identifying with even the milk and water left. By every declared leftist principle the left should be solidly pro-Israel, especially given Israel's enemies. Emancipation of women, freedom of speech, toleration of gays, etc., Israel has all of this and the Arabs have none.
Yet the left is wildly pro-Palestinian. If I were a cynic I'd say it's because of certain ethno-religious characteristics of the Israeli population, but no doubt there's a more innocent explanation. Anyone know what it is?
Nick Smith
February 8th, 2009 5:15pmThere has always been anti-Semites such as Caryl Churchill. The worrying thing now is that they find it so easy to find an audience for their hateful Jew-baiting. Worrying also how easy they find it to convince themselves that they are not really Jew haters.
February 8th, 2009 6:09pmi hope this is publicized. This really is nothing more than an incitement of hatred of Jews. There is something dreadfully wrong with British Society.
Pete Hoskin
February 8th, 2009 6:10pmAlex Bensky: the 'typing' jibe was said by Truman Capote of Jack Kerouac.
February 8th, 2009 6:12pmThe Jewish genocide of the Palestinians is one of the least successful 'genocides' in history. The 600,000 or so 'Palestinians' through years of brutal Israeli oppression and genocide have been reduced to a pitiful remnant of 4 million. There are MORE Arabs who are Israeli citizens now than there were 'Palestinians' in 1947.
February 8th, 2009 6:17pmI have a question, what does a kill ratio have to do with anything? What about the Kill ratio of Arabs to Arabs? Why are those numbers never discussed? What was the kill ratio in Hiroshima or Dresden? And what about the millions slaughtered just in the past few years in the Congo, in addition to the millions slaughtered in the Sudan, and the thousands in Sri Lanka?
Or how about the history of forced conversion, enslavement, massacres, imperialism, and colonialism of the Arabs? All the Jews expelled from Arab lands?
And for all the political correctness in Europe, I guess we can assume open Jew hatred and libel, attacks on Jews, and fire bombing of Synogogues are politically correct. But lets persecute Gert Wilders for accurately quoting the Koran.
Jason from AZ
February 8th, 2009 6:40pmWith all the Jew hatrad in the UK, it seems you won't be happy until all Jews have emigrated, which is is starting to happen. Guess who your Muslim citizens will come after and scapegoat when most all Jews have left?
stanley Jerusalem
February 8th, 2009 6:53pmIt's sad that we are all talking to one another and repeating ourselves. Welcome to the "Titanic deckchair rearranging Action Group"
Come and join me in Jerusalem. it's much safer here.
ahad ha'amoratsim
February 8th, 2009 7:33pmRichard Lawson, thank you for proving the point -- holding British Jews responsible for the real or imagined deeds of Israel is nothing other than anti-Semitism. Period.
Like any other nation, Israel is not above criticism. But when someone uses his criticism of Israel to justify anti-Semitism, there are strong grounds to believe that his distaste for Israel is based more on his own anti-Semitism than on anything Israel did or failed to do.
February 8th, 2009 7:51pm"What are these twisted people trying to achieve?! "
The entire destruction of Israel, Hitler style.
Brian Moshe
February 8th, 2009 8:15pmFirst of all I felt physically sick after reading the article above and Caryl Churchill's hideous words. Then I felt disbelief without total disbelief....
In the course of last week I lost the long-running friendship of three old friends: one a fairly well-known London-based journalist, one a professor at Oxford, and one a doctoral student in London.
The journalist doesn't argue, for him it's self-evident that Israel is in the wrong and I'm just a propagandist for a state no decent person can support.
The Oxford professor clearly didn't like having to confront Melanie's article on the current plight of Britain's Jews 'The Jihad Against Britain's Jews" (Feb 6, 2009) and the spineless behaviour of the university towards the intimidatory anti-Jewish thugs who mounted a sit-in.
The curt response was "we both read different media; there is no problem with anti-Jewish or thuggish behaviour at Oxford".
The research student asked me to read e-mails containing all sorts of malignant nonsense about Israel (some of it by Jews). When I sent her a copy of the Hamas Charter she stopped the dialogue.
The main reason I mention this series of losses is because I can actually envisage all three of these people going to see Caryl Churchill's 'play' and probably emerging from the theatre feeling better than when they arrived.
As for the Jewish actors associated with the production (if that's what they are), whom phil mentions above, what is there to say except that while Mel Gibson was regarded with contempt by most of the Hollywood establishment and most of the US media for his anti-Jewish rants, these luvvies will be hailed in Britain as a courageous little grouplet ('good Jews').
Caryl Churchill's 'play' will appeal not just to the morally bankrupt 'left' but also to Muslims and neo-nazis. I am almost tempted to imagine it might become another runner like 'The Mousetrap', but even if it runs for a few years the time will come when the Islamic street patrols decide theatres need to be closed (probably the actual linear descendents of the Muslim and semi-Muslim feral street gangs that today infest the estates and byways of parts of London and other major British cities).
Forty five or so years ago in Wentworth St market in Dalston in the East End of London there was a Jewish cafe called the Israel Cafe. I used to think it was a sign of our freedom and tolerance that an East End cafe could bear such a name and be left in peace.
Arnold Wesker wrote a play about a Jewish family who had a stall in Wentworth St market and the father wanted something better for his son. That market was a hive of Jewish life and activity in those days.
Four years ago I was back in that vicinity and went to have a look around. No sign of any Jewish presence, no Israel Cafe. Even four years ago, I felt quite relaxed about this, Jews had gone to nicer places to live - to North London, to South Hertfordshire, to Redbridge. Arnold Wesker's play had more or less come true.
With Churchill's 'play' it seems to me that in a sense everything's gone full cycle. The disappearence of Jews from an East End street market and its surrounding businesses is a microcosm of what one day is going to be replicated on a much vaster scale in the areas Jews have settled in such as North London, South Hertfordshire, etc., except next time it won't be an entirely voluntary journey away.
Even in the worst days of the 1930s when the Blackshirts were on the loose did any London theatre show a specifically anti-Jewish play?
February 8th, 2009 8:42pmRichard Lawson,
And what is your point?
Are you saying that when two peoples go to war that side that manages to kill more of its enemies forces is in the wrong?.
Well if I follow your logic through to its Delusional conclusion that means the Allies were in the wrong and we should hand back Europe and Asia to the Germans and Japanese.
Your mind must be a very scary place :)
Wm. Hazlitt
February 8th, 2009 8:45pmAll Jews are not Israeli; and not all Israelis are Jews. The state of Israel is distinct from the people of Israel, and even more from the Jewish people around the world. Anti-semites blur the distinction. It no doubt helps them spread their poison. If the playwright has made this mistake, and you think is worth your attention, then point out the error. However, Melanie Phillips herself seems to perpetuate this conflation of the Jewish people with the state of Israel, as in previous articles. This is surely not the correct thing to do.
Michael B
February 8th, 2009 8:59pmAndrew Bostom today should not be missed:
Mr. Obama, Speak First at Touro.
Much as Peres recently, at Davos, struck - precisely - the right and necessary chord, Andrew Bostom likewise marshals precisely the right spirit, tone and probity. It is still a bit too early to say with absolute certainty, nonetheless the new administration has evidenced - rather than his much touted "change" - the same old status quo sympathies, malignancies and self-delusions. What Obama actually DOES in this vein - no matter his RHETORIC - will be highly indicative of who he actually IS and what we can expect in the longer term. The indicators to this point are not at all propitious of a deep-seated integrity, backbone and accompanying vision; still, only time will tell, though it is likely that time will very quickly tell whether we are beset with Jimmy Carter II, or something more substantial - i.e., real change and not "change" as a campaign and political slogan only. A well grounded, sober minded "hope" is one thing; self-delusion on a societal and political scale is another thing entirely.
February 8th, 2009 9:11pmThe Royal Court's Elyse Dodgson said that the play 'was not an attack on anyone, it is a cry of grief.'
Warmongering jihadists aren't interested in truth. Left-wingers and extreme left-wingers accuse Israel of war crimes. Those accusations are partly based on information from the UN. But who are the representatives of the UN in Gaza? They are practically all Palestinians. They say that a UN school was attacked on 6th January, and that 43 Palestinians died as a result. But according to the Canadian Globe and Mail newspaper that school wasn't attacked at all, the casualties occurred in the street. According to UNRWA it was the UN organization OCHA who spread the story. But OCHA originally said that Israeli mortars landed close to the school. This falsification was necessary in order to stoke up the prevailing hatred of Israel. It is on this sort of false propaganda which left-wing westerners now use to accuse Israel of war crimes.
We don't actually know exactly how many Palestinians were killed in Gaza. Just as we don't know how many citizens lost their lives through Israel's actions, or those of Hamas. If Israel is able to investigate every incident, and if war crimes are unearthed the perpetrators should be punished. But what is really a war crime if criminal jihadists offer up their own people, including children, for the sake of a media-jihad against Israel? They are so base as to even be prepared to murder their
own people to win a media war and extra publicity. So Jews in Europe now have to put up with the consequences of this vile propaganda campaign. Hamas is a criminal organization which rules Gaza with an iron hand. But Israel is the devil and Hamas is good, Amen! In the meantime a 70-year old left-wing playright is allowed to desecrate the history of the Jews. For what, The honour of criminals?
February 8th, 2009 9:34pmThis is from a man Ken Livingstone regards as a great and moderate Muslim. So great in fact, he was invited to London at the behest of the vile ex Mayor. I shake my head at the blatant way in which this undoubted antisemitism is bursting forth under the thin excuse of Cast Lead. We should all email bomb the ones who are in charge starting with 'Community Tzar', Hazel Blears. Google or the Guardian site provides email addresses for all MP's. No insult. No threat, leave that to the militant Muslims. Merely tell it how it is. And how we feel. We are reaching a point where something has to be done. Protest is worthless when we chatter amongst ourselves. Maybe this will wake up those of whom are unaware of the taqiya in which one thing is told to a western audience and a totaly different one to the compliant Muslims. This so called scholar is a star in the Middle East where his words, beamed from al-Jazeera are devoured daily. This is what he says.
'Sheikh Yousuf Al-Qaradhawi: Allah Imposed Hitler On the Jews to Punish Them – 'Allah Willing, the Next Time Will Be at the Hand of the Believers'
Following are excerpts from speeches delivered by prominent Sunni scholar Sheikh Yousuf Al-Qaradhawi, which aired on Al-Jazeera TV on January 28 and 30, 2009.
To view this clip, visit
January 30, 2009: Hitler "Put The Jews In Their Place"
Shei kh Yousuf Al-Qaradhawi: "Throughout history, Allah has imposed upon the [Jews] people who would punish them for their corruption. The last punishment was carried out by Hitler. By means of all the things he did to them - even though they exaggerated this issue - he managed to put them in their place.
"This was divine punishment for them. Allah willing, the next time will be at the hand of the believers." [...]
January 28, 2009: I Will Die As A Martyr Shooting Jews
Al-Qaradhawi: "To conclude my speech, I’d like to say that the only thing I hope for is that as my life approaches its end, Allah will give me an opportunity to go to the land of Jihad and resistance, even if in a wheelchair.
"I will shoot Allah’s enemies, the Jews, and they will throw a bomb at me, and thus, I will seal my life with martyrdom. Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds. Allah’s mercy and blessings upon you."
February 8th, 2009 10:05pmI was reading Philip Roth's "The Ghost Writer". There is a young woman who, having survived the camps, is fostered in England. Out of wanting to know about her experiences, the teacher asks her. "Why is it that people hate the Jews?", to which she replies "Why not ask the Jew-haters"?
So, maybe Richard Lawson has directed his question at the wrong person. Maybe he is better off asking an antisemite if they think antisemitism is a consequence of what Jews do? I am sure they will give him a full and frank answer about how it has always been a reaction to Jewish acts and thoughts. After all, antisemites blame the Jews for everything, including, of course, their own antisemitism.
It is a pity that so many responses here have responded against deminisation of the Jews with a corresponding demonisation of Muslims. To oppose one form of racism does not mean accepting and propogating another.
February 8th, 2009 10:07pmThank you, Melanie, for bringing this to my attention. I thought we have laws in this country against such incitement to hatred. A play like this would never be staged if it concerned any other ethnic group. If I lived in London I would go along in order to shout Boo. Would I be lynched?
It is very convenient to scapegoat Jews when there is an almighty economic crisis, especially when so many believe that the Jews control The Money. Whilst the Arab/Muslim world rely on the teachings of the Koran and the Protocols of the Elders of Zion to justify their hatred, Churchill has two thousand years of Christian hatred to justify hers. I am mystified about the managers of The Royal Court Theatre allowing her play to be shown. Perhaps they, too, have inherited the same roots of hatred for the Jewish people as she has. As for the Jewish names in the list of performers - there are many ethnic Jews on the Left, but I suspect that some among them are driven by fear; if they are not seen to be one of the crowd they may just find themselves out of a job, unemployable, so they sell their soul to the devil.
What Would Wingate Do
February 8th, 2009 10:15pmPlease tell me this loathsome creature is not one of the Spencer Churchills.
Jewish New Yorker
February 8th, 2009 11:19pmAs an American I would like to extend a welcome to British Jews looking to emigrate to avoid vilification and violence. America is largely devoid of the congenital anti-semitism that exists in Britain and Europe. It is time to leave once again. That is Britain and Europe's loss and a gain for the USA.
How many British know that Jews were twice ethnically cleansed from Britain in the past 800 years? Both times as scapegoats for economic problems. Even though the pretense for current surge of anti-semitism is Israel the reality is the economic crisis is the major reason that non-Islamic British are raging against the Jews. It's the same old song and dance.
February 8th, 2009 11:59pmBrian Moshe
It is very apparent from your post the lines between "old" friends have stretched beyond the breaking point. It takes a strong fellow to stand apart. Perhaps most disheartening about your post is that truth is not self evident to the far left. Nor can it even become truth for truth sake as one of your friends stated they don't read the same media. Perhaps this is not the case of all who think likewise but I have found their version of the truth is built upon so shaky a foundation they are completely unable to debate, argue, nor even contemplate the indignity of being questioned about their ideology much the same as those who pushed the Nazi ideology short years ago. Different people same ideology.
They fear being questioned to the point of lashing out at those who would dare question them. These are dangerous people who would silence anyone who would dare to think differently. That is what extremism is and this is the face of British extremists.
I read the writings of many wonderful British people on this blog, yet I can't help but wonder is Britain slipping away on your watch? Are those who write here willing to confront this extremism outside of this blog or have you given in and only write about the "Jew" troubles from the safety of your homes not daring to speak up in public? How many in your nation have been frightened into silence? And with the current economic problems sweeping across Britain and Europe things are going to get a whole lot uglier for Jews. It always does in bad economic times like it did in the past.
From my vantage point across the pond I'd suggest Jews in Britain and Europe give serious thought to moving over here or to Israel. You'll be safe with us as you will in Israel. Over here our police forces don't run away when confronted by Muslim extremists and their extremists supporters. Nor do our citizens run from extremists we confront them and defeat them where ever we find those animals.
This play is no mistake. The writers know exactly what they wrote and know the message they wish to send, antisemitism. However, the writers also know beyond a doubt that in Britain they are the normal and this is who Britain has become. They know there is a large and growing home grown audience for antisemitism. They do indeed know their audience. They will even make money while doing so. Amazing!
Manuel Escott
February 8th, 2009 11:59pmi know columnists haved a fire-at-will mandate, but even they should strive for some factual underpinning, especially when throwing figures around, and especially when it's an emotional topic such as gaza and israel. she says that most of the gaza dead after the israeli attack were male terrorists, where did she get that figure? israel estimates that 450 hamas fighters were killed, but again, how did they arrive at that figure. the true fighter-civilian death ratio may never be known. manny, toronto
Adam B.
February 9th, 2009 12:00amBrian Moshe,a very moving post. I can only say that perhaps the next and better move Jews can make (and perhaps one Arnold Wesker did not foresee) is away from the UK altogether. Then the Caryl Churchills of this world can stew in their propaganda whilst bringing about their own demise by encouraging the Islamist radicals. We are witnessing Britain committing suicide in slow motion - unless it wakes up soon, the poison will have no antidote.
Adam B.
February 9th, 2009 12:05amOne has to wonder how Caryl Churchill got this play staged - presumably, if it refers to operation Cast Lead, it was written in the last couple of weeks. How does one write a play, get it cast and staged in two weeks - unless the "message" is so fashionable that any old garbage with an anti-Jewish message would get accepted and staged at such short notice?
February 9th, 2009 12:25amSocialism has destroyed creative art as well as reason and morality, I can't help but observe. I have to disagree with "Jewish New Yorker" this is not an old barbarism but a new one born of the rejection of everything that made Britain civilised - not least its people. I fear there is a storm coming that will reach to the gentlest village of the sleeepiest shire where yet civilisation remains.
February 9th, 2009 12:31amThe left has joined the fascist right in the one thing they all agree on - promoting antismeitism and Jew hatred. History goes on and nothing changes.
I call the leftist Jew haters leftofascists. To all intent and purposes they are fascists, but they cloth themsleves in touchy feely human rights terminology.
The greatest threat to civilised values, the thing most likely to usher in a new Dark Age, is the unholy sharing of the same bed by the extreme right, large parts of the left and islamist war on the west.
I'd say that we have about half a minute to learn from nazi appeasement, or we'll end up with WW3 by default. That's how WW2 started, by default. No-one wnated another world war, except the nazis. And they weren't going to be denied any more than the islamic nazis are today, with help from the leftofascist movement (which also hates western democracy and wishes to destroy it).
We Jews have Israel. Ultimately Israel may become Sparta, but a victory for the forces of darkness will come a devastating price this time.
Alix USA
February 9th, 2009 12:38amI didn't read all the blogs so I don't know if this was mentioned. Prior to Israel being given the land in 1948 one must remember that the "so called" Palestinian's (actually from Trans-Jordan) were offered half the land by the UN. The Palestinian's turned it down because they hated the Jewish people so much they wanted to kill them not live next to them! They wanted all of the land or nothing. So they got NOTHING! During the latter part of Clinton's Presidency, Ehud Barak offered Arafat around 90% of the land he was asking for and Arafat walked out of the meeting. So it has NEVER been about the land but the extreme hatred of the Jews!
And the part about the Iraeli's killing Palestinian children is nonsense. The Palestinian cowards hide behind their women and especially their children for one reason only-to parade their dead bodies through the streets to garner sympathy and pull at the heartstrings of people who like myself actually love my children more than life itself and knew from the moment they were born they I would always protect them and that I would also die from them! I can't fathom how parents expect their children to die for them! Of course, a lot of the terroists "nail bombs" soaked in rat poison (so the blood won't coagulate) are placed in areas where Jewish children are (school buses, malls, etc). I read somewhere that someone was once asked when the violence would stop in the Middle East and he said: "When the Palestinian's start to love their children more than they hate the Jews"!
It is so sad what is happening in Britain againt the Jewish people!
Michael Paul
February 9th, 2009 12:46amAlex Bensby Feb 8th 5.12pm
You ask “By every declared leftist principle the left should be solidly pro-Israel… Yet the left is wildly pro-Palestinian.”
Looking back down the decades it is obvious to me that any individual or Institution that stands confident and self-propelling, engenders anxiety in a proto-left individual. The anxiety that the source of confidence has inadvertently given rise to turns to anger against the source – because the source has revealed a vulnerability within the proto-lefty. If a child is raised in a very comfortable home in post War middle England, with all provision and thinking supplied without question – then that child’s wits and awareness have become dulled to understand the elementary ways of living for survival.
Marxism is a complex defence mechanism used by some in the middle class to shield themselves from their own fears by attacking things they don’t understand that have caused those fears. Bringing down those generators of silent reproach to their sense of timidity and pride, gives them feelings of equality. Unfortunately, the said generators are providing the means of survival to proto-lefty. And therein lies the enigma. A drowning individual whilst panicking tends to pull the rescuer under the water.
It’s not just Israel being undermined by this self-contradictory metaphysical force, but in the UK, e.g. successful schools, and prevention of crime. Poor standards of education and empathy with criminal behaviour that threaten the ability to keep civilisation in good condition, satisfies the inner struggles of proto-lefty. But there’s the rub - if civilisation goes down, then dependant proto-leftyman goes down too.
How do we provide the liberal intelligentsia with the appropriate education to save themselves and all others?
Linda Smith
February 9th, 2009 1:06amJust seen on Daily Mail website "A high-ranking diplomat at the Foreign Office has been arrested after allegations that he launched a foul-mouthed anti-Semitic tirade.,,,After a complaint was made to police, Mr Laxton was arrested for inciting religious hatred...."
February 9th, 2009 1:15amJews are seen traditionally only as victims when they DO NOT defend themselves against persecution.
that is the nature of judeo phobia and it has been transferred to the Israeli nation as a whole.
Anti Semites are furious that the Jews in Israel defend themselves and scream about disproportionate casualties which they would never dream of applying to British troops wherever they are involved in conflict.
the sad fact is that the Churchill woman and her tribe will never ever realise just how antisemitic they actually are.
February 9th, 2009 2:30amI agree with HarleyDavidson. Jews in Europe should strongly consider emigrating to the USA or Israel.
There is no escaping the rsmpent Jew hatred in Europe, which has been exacerbated tremendously by your unfettered immigration of Muslim extremists and sympathizers. Remember, there is strength in numbers, and Jews would be able to fight antisemitism if they were not so spread out across the globe.
Of course, I am biased, but I believe the US is the safer choice, as poor Israel, located in the worst neighborhood in the world, will forever be subjeced to Jihad and terrorism.
February 9th, 2009 2:38amAmerica may be SAFER than Europe at the present moment, but Jews here are not completely safe, either. We belong to a Reform temple in a university town, and for the last eight years we have not been able to attend services without police protection.
It started after the Arabs began their riots in 2000. We walked into High Holiday services that year and my eight-year-old son asked me, "Mama, why are the police here?" What could I say? That we Jews were not safe in our own country because of the Moslems on campus who were threatening us? I told him something soothing, and over the years we have gotten used to being guarded, to having to lock our doors at all times, to having to use a code to get into our temple.
Our children are dropped off and picked up when going to religious school, even if we live a block away. Our Jewish camp bus had its brake lines cut overnight once, which, thanks be to God, was discovered before the kids got on board. Hate emails and threats are our constant lot.
There are two mosques I know of (there are probably more), and they never have to be guarded because their worshipers are not at risk.
And I haven't even discussed what happens to Jewish kids on campus.
February 9th, 2009 2:45amToo many people don't recognise antisemitism when it's stuck right in front of their face. One reason for this is that the Holocaust has become known as the defining event of antisemitism, so anything less is not viewed as real antisemitism. Maybe it's time to drop the word "antisemitism" and use the plain English term "Jew-hatred" to release the concept from muddy associations in people's minds.
Janet Davis
February 9th, 2009 2:48amAlex Bensky asks why the left wing are anti-Israel. I think it's because they're anti-captitalism, and the US symbolises capitalism - and the US backs Israel. So I suppose they see Israel's enemies as the oppressed underdog. (If ethno-religious factors were their main motivation, they'd probably hate the Palestinians too! The west's relations with Islam have, after all, not been historically harmonious.)
gary ashton
February 9th, 2009 2:57amultimately weather you accept it or not, israel is home for jews and safer than anywhere else. it's also home to non jews and would welcome contributions from creative and constructive minds regardless of religious background or race. israel is multicultural and secular, it embraces sex, technology and innovation. it has plenty of enemies who would like to crush her and its peoples, but they will never do this as israel has already won, without deceit, lies or manipulation. it's won by being an open healthy, vibrant and inclusive country that has done what it needs to do to survive and protect its citizens. what else can one want from it's governments. perhaps english people are just so bitter and twisted they cannot bear this successful tiny slither of land, perhaps they are jealous that in their 1000 year old history they are at the point where they are falling apart after being invaded silently, while israel is only 60 and strongly defiant and protective of its culture and the ideal of life over death. israel is not a utopia by far, but it's certainly amazing given it's history and the attention it receives. let the english left wing stew in their juices when the jews have left, the fundamentals can attack gays, artists, buddhists, and sooner or later the robotic socialists that cannot think for themselves. let the caliphate engulf europe but there will forever be a small slip of land where it will not reach.
Janet Davis
February 9th, 2009 5:13am'Jewish New Yorker' asserts that: 'America is largely devoid of the congenital anti-semitism that exists in Britain and Europe' and that 'the economic crisis is the main reason that non-Islamic Britons are raging against the Jews'.
My understanding is that violently anti-Jewish feeling is confined largely to the UK's Islamic community, whipped up by anti-Israeli media leftists. The typical Briton-in-the street is undisturbed by the relatively small and assimilated Jewish community - which has not yet attempted to suicide-bomb him to smithereens!
The economic crisis has may have increased resentment of foreigners, but this applies mainly to the huge numbers of recently arrived migrant workers from Europe and Asia - who are felt to be worsening unemployment - not to long-settled Jews.
Historically there has been anti-semitism in Britain, but on the whole I'd say we've been a more tolerant nation than most. Growing up in the UK in the 60s, I recall no particular anti-Jewish feeling.
Many Jews fled here from persecution in other nations around the early twentieth century. We even had a Jewish-descended prime minister - Benjamin Disraeli - in the nineteenth century. (Has the US has a Jewish president yet?)
I've heard of anti-semitism in the US - that, for example, Jews have been denied membership of elite clubs. But no doubt you will set me right if I have got this wrong!
Robert LaFortune
February 9th, 2009 5:20amMelanie,
I'm in the strange position of at the same time agreeing with you and wondering why you spend your time attending to situations thousands of miles away from you while ignoring those on your own doorstep.
What ever happened to the British people? You used to rule the world. Now, you allow the immigrant Islamists to dictate national policy and cower you into submission. (Islam means submission!)
We in America have plenty of sorrowful problems, but we could surely use an ally with a backbone.
I'll accept your criticism of us in the spirit of trying to be helpful, but I recommend you also not be so focused on looking outward that you miss what's happening behind your own back.
February 9th, 2009 6:41amWell quite, Miss Phillips. I comfort myself with the thought that for every puny intellect such as Caryl Churchill and the Richard Lawson present here, there is a giant among men - Shimon Peres - who retaliates beyond measure.
Miranda Rose Smith
February 9th, 2009 7:35amDear Richard Lawson: The 100:1 kill ratio figures came from Hamas-not my definition of a reliable source, and I don't remember any upsurge in anger after the Russian invasion of Chechniya or the Sri Lankans crushing the Tamil Tigers uprising.
Dear Pete Hoskin: I believe the "That's not writing. That's typing" crack was made, about Jacqueline Susann, by Truman Capote.
Dear What Would Wingate Do?: I also wondered if she was any relation to Winston.
Dear Augustus: Does Elyse Dodgson feel any grief for the thousands of Israelis killed or wounded in terrorist attacks?
Dear Petecomic1: BRAVO! Did it ever occur to you that people who accuse the Israelis of committing genocide against the Palestinians must think the Palestinians are starfish? If you rip a starfish apart, you get two starfishes.
jen don
February 9th, 2009 9:05amAlix - Do you realise that what you wrote is almost the entire last speech of the play?
I think this is why these things need to be discussed.
Gary O
February 9th, 2009 9:21amCaryl Churchill gets lauded for writing an untruthful propaganda against Israel. If on the other hand, she had written a truthful account of the racist and genocidal Hamas, she would be in the hiding from them at this minute.
It's an open season on Israel.
February 9th, 2009 9:44amWell, well, well, The Royal Court Theatre....Hamas Court
Theatre more like it...the greatest theatre in the world...
to all those poor, pathetic
so called actors and actresses
participating in such a disgusting, Hamas production..I wonder how much they are being paid....don't worry though...
their day will certainly come...
no doubt about are
like puppets on a string..being
manipulated..doing Hamas's dirty
work and in the name of Royalty
at that.....maybe the Queen should be invited, or is she too afraid that while she is out
of the Palace, Hamas might just
by chance drop in for tea.....
but decide to stay longer than
Alex Clarke
February 9th, 2009 9:54amHow depressing a lot of these comments are. What a sad world we live in if the minute you attack or condemn Israel's actions you are automatically labelled an anti-semite. Maybe they should stop and think that it is actually a respect of all the amazing things the jewish people have achieved and the terrible things they have endured and a love of the complicated jewish soul that also makes it important to challenge and question Israel's present actions. To NOT question, to NOT
oppose sometimes - that would be the real betrayal.
Shy Guy
February 9th, 2009 10:01amMeet Rowan Laxton.
Pete Hoskin
February 9th, 2009 10:26amMiranda Rose Smith: Capote may have deployed the barb more than once (and, you're right, some think he aimed it Susann's Valley of the Dolls), but it was definitely aimed at Kerouac/the Beat writers first.
Here's the full, original quote, made on a US TV talkshow in February 1959:
"None of [the Beat writers] can write, not even Mr Kerouac. What they do ... isn't writing at all - it's typing."
Anyway, don't want to derail the thread...
John Thomas
February 9th, 2009 10:40am"Even in the worst days of the 1930s when the Blackshirts were on the loose did any London theatre show a specifically anti-Jewish play?" (Brian Moshe, 8/2/09/ 8.15) - No! I'm sure the difference is that then it was an underclass (Moseley's supporters were working class) who were anti-Semitic; now, it's the Establishment, with access to the media (well, rulership of it). This fact makes it much worse. So, a 1930-like situation, presently - so we have about 10 years' to go, on that reckoning. Yes, apalling, dreadful.
February 9th, 2009 10:50amBRIAN MOSHE -do not be too sad you did not lose friends ,real ones prove themselves when times are tough ,you are better off without them .
February 9th, 2009 11:09amChurchill's play is no different than the blood libels in Europe where Jews were accused of using gentile children's blood to make matzot (unleavened bread).
I, like many other Jews are planning to leave Britain, which has become tolerant of antisemitism, and few, if any attacks are reported in the national media. And yet, any "Islamophobic" attack makes front page news!
We know where we're not wanted, but history has also taught us that when a country is completely Jew free, that country will suffer the consequences.
Britain will become no more than any Arab country, ending up with a majority of Muslims, forcing shariah law onto the nation and bringing it in line with the 7th century.
stanley Jerusalem
February 9th, 2009 11:10amBrian Moshe - Sorry Wentworth St market is in Stepney and is known as Petticoat Lane. Ridley Road Market is in Dalston [not the East End!] My dad had a fish shop there in the 40's.
February 9th, 2009 11:25amSurely these are justified reasons for prosecution under the Religious and Racial Hatred Act of 2006? Why are these people not being pursued under the law?
stanley Jerusalem
February 9th, 2009 11:57amWas it something I said, JohnW?
February 9th, 2009 12:01pmAlex Clarke there are also many of us who listen to legitimate concerns of our friends ,but it surely unsurprising that in these difficult times people react defensively -you only have to read some of the crazies who post here to understand that . I have friends who are not Jewish and have criticised the Gaza war ,they are not anti -semitic ,they would not be my friends if they were ,but some are terribly misinformed or cant be bothered to research deeply what is happening .The BBBC helps neither Israel or the Palestinians it manages just to prolong the pain .
stanley Jerusalem
February 9th, 2009 12:12pmGo on Pete. You know you want to!
February 9th, 2009 12:45pmJohnW, is it not the case that the police must first receive a complaint? So, why is no-one making a complaint?
February 9th, 2009 12:49pm"What a sad world we live in if the minute you attack or condemn Israel's actions you are automatically labelled an anti-semite."
I'll repeat what I already wrote - Too many people do not recognise Jew-hatred when it's stuck right in front of their face. The quote above is a prime example, even though it's dressed in a complimentary context. The play is simply an updated version of "The Protocols of Zion", a vile pretence about how one generation of Jews passes on their nasty habits to the next.
Maurice, MD
February 9th, 2009 12:51pmTo Alex Clarke -- The issue is not criticizing Israel or even opposig some Israeli policies.
The issue is lying about Israel, and making false accusations.
There is a difference between disagreement and slander.