FREEMAN CENTER BROADCAST- March 15, 2009 ![]() FREEMAN CENTER FOR STRATEGIC STUDIES P.O. Box 35661 * Houston, Texas 77235-5661 Phone or Fax: 713-723-6016 * E-mail: OUR WEB SITE (URL): THE MACCABEAN ONLINE: URL: Freeman Center Blog ============= ==================== They deem him their worst enemy who tells them the truth. - Plato "The hardest thing to explain is the glaringly evident which everybody had decided not to see." -- Ayn Rand ########## Ignorance Is Weakness - Know The Truth Self-Inflicted Ignorance Is Suicide The Freeman Center Is A Defense Against Ignorance ====== MAY HASHEM SAVE US FROM OUR "BEST FRIENDS" ================ Any attempt by the U.S, Europe or the UN to limit Israeli military freedom of action should be prevented! ========== To Make a tax deductible contribution to the Freeman Center's important educational work, mail check to address above or go to our website to pay by credit card or paypal. ============ PLEASE HELP US PAY OUR OUT OF POCKET EXPENSES ============= MAY ISRAEL AVOID PREEMPTIVE SURRENDER IN 2009 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ THE PRESENT WAR WOULD NOT HAVE BEEN NECESSARY ========= PROTECT THE LAND OF ISRAEL APPEASEMENT BREEDS VIOLENCE AND TERRORSISM =========== THE ARAB ADVANTAGE by David Basch March 13, 2009 "The Arabs remain greatly advantaged because Israel will not use her power to gain victory over her enemies,... keeping Israel at perpetual war with the Arab enemy, which ... puts the US in the Middle between Israel and an Arab world that the US wants to have a friendly relationship with.... something a good ally should never do." In Israel's struggle for existence, the Arabs have a great advantage: The Arabs know full well that they want to destroy Israel, root and branch, but Israel's ruling elites refuse to recognize this. As a result, Israel's elites constantly make diplomatic concessions and show restraint in order not to forgo an imagined possibility of living in peace with the implacable Arabs -- concessions that gravely weaken Israel. The situation truly resembles lambs bargaining with jackals and offering all kinds of thoughtful goodies to get the jackals to not seize them by the throat. Such peaceful offers, of course, avail not in the nature of the case -- the case of Israeli lamb bargaining with the Arab jackal. Unfortunately, those Israelis with liberalistic ideological obsessions -- too many for the health and long term prospects of Israel -- reject the lamb-jackal analogy as racist and on grounds that all men are interested in striving for peace, if only the seeker of peace will be willing to make some sacrifices to eliminate the unjust causes of friction. This Israel perpetually strives to do, surrendering strategic territories and strong diplomatic postures, ever empowering the enemy that uses such empowerment to redouble their efforts in the war to destroy Israel. When such liberal obsessions are the rule among the ruling classes of a nation -- the very situation known as "over righteousness" that Ecclesiastes/Koheles warned against as leading to self destruction -- you can forget about making your case to those leaders by reasoned argument for this is completely ineffective with those obsessed, for the arguments are not heard, which is why the Arabs remain greatly advantaged. As a result of this obsessive liberal mind set -- which, generalizing from his past behavior, some say that Netanyahu shares -- the Arabs remain greatly advantaged because Israel will not use her power to gain victory over her enemies, making it impossible through Israeli decisive military victory for the Arab enemy over the foreseeable future to carry out their desire to destroy Israel. Hence, it keeps Israel at perpetual war with the Arab enemy, which is bad enough in itself but which has another downside in that it puts the US in the Middle between Israel and an Arab world that the US wants to have a friendly relationship with. Think about this situation. What kind of wise friend does this? What kind of good friend puts its great US ally in a position that compromises this ally's position to keep in friendship an Arab world it wants to befriend and even to make that US ally the target of terrorism and war from that Arab world? At least this is the kind of poisonous charge that is made by people like Ambassador Freeman to receptive ears in the US administration. A wise Israel, a friend to the US, would prevent that poisoning from happening by not letting Israel's war situation with the Arabs continue to fester by failing to achieve victory. Because Israel will not win her war and continues to make the Arabs realistically think that eventually the Arab side will weaken and destroy Israel, the Arab-Israeli war festers and keeps the US perpetually compromised. Isn't it time, before it is too late, for Israel to end that situation, not by surrender, which would be catastrophic to the Israeli people, but by finally defeating the Arab foe? A situation of Israeli victory had occurred at the time of Begin and Shamir. Israel was so successful in a series of victories then that the Arabs actually had to sue for peace. But instead of Israel being wary of an Arab enemy with all religious and nationalist incentives that make it implacably unable to live in peace with Israel, the enemy was soon enough able to trick Israel into unwise, weakening concessions. This was a process fostered by Israeli leftist sentiment that saw the new Arab conciliation that emerged because of Arab defeat as nothing but a sign of the truth of the fanciful leftist world view. Sure enough, the Israeli leftist dreamers came into leadership in Israel and embarked on a series of unwise concessions that have by now almost totally reversed the consequences of earlier Israeli victories and again placed the US in the Arab cross hairs along with Israel. It once more turned Israel back into the bad ally-friend. For surely, it is a friend who is not in need that is a friend indeed. When one reads of the latest machinations of the Arabs and see how they are quite willing to have the Hamas, openly dedicated to Israel's destruction, join with Fatah, barely covert in its dedication to Israel's destruction, and add a so-called "friendly" Arab leader like Fayyad into the mix to pose as peaceniks -- though even Arabs like Fayyad insist on bringing in millions of new Arabs called refugees into Israel, a real killer demand that clearly reveals their true mind -- and to draw financial and military support from the world, including from the US, it becomes evident that Arab peace intentions are a complete sham -- a conclusion evident to all except to the self-destructive, surrender artists of Israel. Were Israel to face the reality of the deadly, implacable intentions of her Islamic enemies, Israel's leaders could devise war policies that would bring her the decisive victory, for which there is no substitute. This would remove her US ally as well as herself from the enemy's cross hairs. But so far Israel won't do it. And Jewish leaders wonder why Diaspora Jewry is fed up with this kind of Israel and is plunged into virtual apathy about her fate, which Israeli leaders compromise daily. ****** David Basch is an architect and city planner in New York as well as the Freeman Center's political philosopher. Basch is also an expert on Shakespeare and the author of the book, The Hidden Shakespeare, which proves through talmudic and other Jewish sources that Shakespeare was in fact Jewish. |
Sunday, 15 March 2009
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Britannia Radio