Signs of Obama-Clinton Pressure on Israel

“When [Secretary Clinton was] interviewed this week on a PA teen television show and asked, ‘What would you do if your daughter was unfortunate enough to have been born under occupation, born deprived of freedom and liberty?’ [she] legitimized the question’s false premise and actually helped incite hatred against Israel by not refuting it and ignoring the fact that 98 percent of Palestinians actually live under the Palestinian Authority or Hamas, not Israeli control. [She] responded, ‘Well, I would do what so many parents here in the West Bank and in Gaza do. I would love her… I would get the best education I could for her… I would never give up on the dream of a Palestinian state.’ That an alarming number of Palestinian parents have encouraged their children to become suicide bombers was somehow lost from Secretary Clinton’s response.”During her visit to Israel last week, Clinton demanded that Israel take no action against illegally-built Arab homes in eastern Jerusalem – and that Israel disallow legally-built Jewish homes in eastern Jerusalem.
MK Aryeh Eldad (National Union) has also taken Clinton to task, chiding her in a direct letter for promoting a Palestinian state: "You came here from the world’s greatest and strongest democracy... Well, Israeli democracy has spoken: Most Israeli citizens do not wish to establish an Arab terror state in our homeland. If your democracy is real, you should of course respect the democracy of others as well."
The Unity Coalition for Israel (UCI) notes that Secretary Clinton indicated on her trip to the Middle East that, regardless of Hamas terror activities, the Palestinian state is a priority issue for the new Obama Administration.
Another one who is surprised by Secretary Clinton’s apparently about-face is New York Daily News publisher Mortimer Zuckerman. Responding to U.S. criticism of Israel for “not making enough effort” to help Gaza, from which thousands of rockets rain down on Israeli towns, Zuckerman said, "I am very surprised, frankly, at this statement from the United States government and from the Secretary of State."
Objections to a Palestinian state include: The widely-believed notion that Arab opposition to Israel is religious in nature, not political; the fact that Jordan was created to serve as the local Palestinian state; the security dangers inherent in squeezing Israel’s borders to a width of just ten miles in some areas; and more.

Ex-US Envoy Bolton: Obama ‘Bad News for Israel’

He questioned Mitchell and President Obama’s desire to force an Israeli-PA agreement as a “basis for further ‘progress.’”
Bolton charged Secretary Clinton with taking a “very European view" in a statement that a new Arab country within Israel’s current borders is “inescapable.”