Civilian Force Of 60,000 Trained As “Terrorist” Spotters China Voices Support For New Global Currency To Replace Dollar Rockefeller: Internet is “Number One National Hazard” G20 will seek new international framework for global financial regulation USA has Two Options to Save its Economy: Declare Default or Trigger a War Euro Currency of Choice as Fed Easing Devalues Dollar UK population must fall to 30m, says Porritt British police ‘guilty’ of terror law abuse
Hennecke: Trillion Dollar Bailouts Will Lead To Destruction Of Western Currencies
Associate Director of Tyche Martin Hennecke warned in a CNBC interview this morning that actions such as the Treasury's announcement today to buy $1 trillion more of toxic debt, allied with last week's announcement by the Fed to throw a further $1 trillion at the problem, is merely a continuation of what caused the crisis in the first place and that such measures will ultimately lead to the destruction of major western currencies and staggering hyperinflation.
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MI5 is currently training up to 60,000 UK citizens as part a civilian network of terrorist spotters, according to Prime Minister Gordon Brown and home secretary, Jacqui Smith
China has expressed support for Russia’s proposal to hand the IMF the power to create a new supra-national global currency in response to the call for an alternative to the U.S. dollar as the world reserve currency.
According to the great-grandson John D. Rockefeller, nephew of banker David Rockefeller, and former Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Jay Rockefeller the internet represents a serious threat to national security.
NSC advisor Jones: “I take my daily orders from Dr. Kissinger”
Last week a caller to the Alex Jones Show mentioned a speech transcript posted on the CFR website where U.S. National Security Adviser Jones declared the following…
Union leaders from the UK and overseas have put forward a global five-point plan they want G20 leaders to adopt as a way of tackling the economic crisis.
• Worse Than The Great Depression... Hyperinflation Is Coming! Own Gold & Silver! Real Money-Real Protection!
• US unveils public-private plan for toxic assets
• Donating for dollars? Many bailed-out banks still contributing to campaign funds
The United States is the largest borrower in the world. The US national debt has already exceeded the level of 11 trillion dollars as of the beginning of 2009 and continues to grow like an avalanche. Experts say that the USA has only two ways to solve the problem: to either declare default or trigger off a war.
• Thousands Turn Out for Orlando ‘Tea Party’ Tax & Stimulus Protest
• Global Money Inflation in the Late-Departed Boom
Less than a month after lambasting European Central Bank President Jean-Claude Trichet for failing to keep up with Ben S. Bernanke’s efforts to stem the recession, foreign-exchange traders are glad he’s behind the curve.
• Sen. Gregg says Obama budget will bankrupt US
JONATHON PORRITT, one of Gordon Brown’s leading green advisers, is to warn that Britain must drastically reduce its population if it is to build a sustainable society.
A British parliamentary committee finds the police guilty of misusing counter terrorism laws and being too heavy-handed toward protestors.
Monday, 23 March 2009
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Britannia Radio